8-The first kiss

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The young woman was waiting for the King, she is a little nervous, she did not know exactly the reasons why the King requested her with great urgency...

She started turning from side to side...

Yang was already on the other side of the door, she took a deep breath and prepared to enter...

The young woman bowed and said, "Please forgive me your majesty, I did not mean to disrespect you by staying in your castle that night, if you let me explain, I will be happy to do so"...

Yang approached the young woman and asked her to please get up...

The young woman stood up and waited for Yang to say something to her...

Yang: You don't have to explain to me, I know perfectly well what happened that day and why you entered my castle.  My warrior told me everything, in fact I know perfectly well the friendly relationship they have established...

There are no secrets between him and me, we tell each other everything...

The young woman: So you know about all the times we have seen each other outside the castle?...

Yang: Of course I know everything perfectly...

Today he asked me to call you because he has something urgent to tell you and he needs you to listen to him carefully and if after that you decide to be happy with him, he will understand...

The young woman got scared and said,"Your majesty, please don't scare me, what's happening with my friend, where is he, I want to talk to him, tell him I'll wait for him where we always meet. And please excuse my boldness...

Yang looked at her and replied,"I don't need to say anything to your friend, he's here right now...

The young woman turned around and said, "But where is your majesty, where, if it's just you and I on this balcony...

Yang moved closer to her and replied,"It's right in front of your eyes"...

The young woman turned to look at him and said, "But you are the one in front of me, there is no one else"...

Yang: of course it is, why don't you remove my mask and see with your own eyes who is behind it...

The young woman: Your Majesty, how could you ask me for something like that? No, I couldn't commit such audacity...

Yang took the young girl's hand and put it on her mask...

The young woman was surprised to see that the King took her hand and put it in a mask so that he could remove it...

Yang held her hand gently and asked the young woman to please do so, as it was an order from her King...

The young woman, having no other option, removed the mask and when she saw the face behind her, she was shocked...

What kind of joke is this, because you have posed as the King? said the young woman without being able to believe her eyes...

Yang held the young woman's hand tightly and, letting out a sharp breath, replied, "It's not a joke, nor am I pretending to be the King... I, I am King Yang..."

The young woman was speechless and didn't know what to say...

Yang moved closer to her and said,"Please excuse me, I didn't mean to hide who I really am from you. I was afraid to tell you, I thought that if I confessed it to you you wouldn't see me in the same way as a training partner and a good friend after training...

The young woman couldn't believe what was happening... A little confused, she tried to leave, but King Yang took her hand and pulled her forcefully towards his chest...

The lips of the young woman and King Yang were very close, their hearts beating a thousand miles per hour...

"Please don't go, I haven't confessed the most important thing to you yet," said King Yang as he looked at the young woman's lips...

The young woman with her voice half broken and also looking at her lips responded, "What is that that your majesty has to confess to me"...

King Yang: forgive me for what I will tell you, but I can no longer keep quiet, this is much stronger than Me. Maybe after what I confess to you you won't want to know about me and I will understand...

The young woman: Please, Your Majesty, tell me?

Yan: The truth is that I like you too much, I have fallen in love with you like crazy, I want to have you close to me... Not as a warrior of my kingdom, nor as a friend, I want you to be my Queen... I want to spend the rest of my days by your side...

All these days that I have shared with you have been very wonderful, you came to give meaning to my life...

Please be honest with me, don't be afraid to tell me things, right now I don't want you to see me as King Yang, I want you to see me simply as the man who wants to have you by his side as his wife...

The young woman looked at him and didn't know what to say... She never imagined that Yang was the King, much less that he would make a love confession to her...

Yang became sad when she saw that the young woman didn't say anything...

He took a deep breath and said, "I knew it, I knew you wouldn't reciprocate this feeling, after all I'm too old for a beautiful young woman like you"...

The young woman put her hand on his face and said, "No, that's not it my King, the truth is that I like you too much too..."
And I have also fallen in love with you like crazy, I would also like to spend the rest of my days by your side...

These days that I have spent at your side have been very special for me, I love your company...

Yang became very happy and smiled with joy upon hearing the young woman's words...

He put one hand on the young woman's face and with the other he grabbed her waist...

The very blushing young woman put her hands on her chest...

Yang looked at the young woman's lips and said, "You don't know how much I wanted to taste your lips, I'm dying to kiss them...

The young woman looked at him and then looked at his lips and answered, "And why don't you try to kiss them, the truth is that mine are also dying to try yours"...

Yang smiled and kissed the young woman, the young woman also smiled and kissed her back...

King Yang and the young woman had their first kiss of love....

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