19- The Dagger and its secret

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The Enchantress took her magic staff and rushed to stop the Gigantic Beast

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The Enchantress took her magic staff and rushed to stop the Gigantic Beast...

He tried to stop her, but was unsuccessful...

He tried to tame his heart, but each attempt was a failure and a painful wound for his body...

The guardians of the sun and the moon returned to their stars and tried to stop their movement, but they could not succeed. In a short time, the moon and the sun would unite to sign the Lunar eclipse...

They looked at each other and said the following: Curse, Not even we can stop the process of union between the Moon and the Sun...

If the Beast King completes his transformation and becomes human again, humanity, will be in serious danger...

Again a great voice was heard coming from the highest part of the solar system that said the following: Guardians of the Moon and the Sun, they know perfectly well that the only way to stop the Beast King is by sticking the dagger into his heart...

The guardians of the sun and the moon with great sadness responded: Please, supreme deity, you must find another way, We can't let him die like that...

The great voice answered them: Guardians, I completely understand your suffering, I am also suffering a lot, but you know perfectly well that apart from me, The Beast King is the only one who has the power to control everything in the universe as he pleases. And even more so if it is about the stars of the sun and the moon...

Suddenly, in the middle of the guards, a sphere appeared with a dagger inside...

The very sad guardians took her in their hands...

That great Voice told them: There is not much time left, they have to give the dagger to that young girl, she is the only one who can stop the Beast King, she has to stick the dagger in his heart, as soon as possible. The Moon is a short time away from uniting with the sun, I know it will be painful for her, but it is the only way.
Guardians, I leave everything in your hands...

The Guardians: As You command, Supreme Deity...

The Guardians, with great pain in their hearts, hurried towards the earth, to hand the dagger to the young girl...

They quickly arrived at the place where the young girl was locked up and, putting their hands on her, woke her up...

The young girl began to open her eyes little by little and when she woke up, she saw that two luminous beings were next to her.

The young woman began to open her eyes little by little and when she woke up she saw that two luminous beings were next to her...

He woke up quickly and, putting his hands to his head, said the following: What happened, who are you and where is My King?...

Suddenly the girl began to get upset and said: My King, where is My King, he was suffering, please remove these chains from me, I need to go and calm his pain...

Suddenly the young girl, He looked at the gigantic mirror that was in front and saw in it that everything was destroyed...

The girl got up quickly and very scared said: ¿What happened to he entire Kingdom?, And my king, where is my king, What happened to him?...

I panicked and very altered began to say:  My King, My King, You have truly returned to that woman to return to her side...

The guardians told him: Human, it is better that you observe carefully the image that will appear in the large mirror...

The guardians raised their hand and made the image of the Beast King appear in the mirror... The young girl let her body fall to the floor and, full of fear, said: It's a gigantic beast and it's fighting with that woman who locked me in this place, If that woman is fighting with that beast, it means that that beast has killed My King...

The girl began to cry, while screaming in great pain at the thought that Yang had died at the hands of the great beast...

The Guardians looked at her and said: Human, that gigantic beast that you see in front of you is the true appearance of King Yang...

The reason why he suffered from a strange disease in his heart is because he is a beastman and could not live freely as a human,  He needed his beast side to be able to live without having to suffer from illnesses...

That beast side was banished from the body and forced to be in an orb locked forever. To not cause harm to humans and the entire planet...

But that Sorceress used her dirty tricks to enrage Yang and make him wake up from the depths of his body, the beast that had remained asleep...

The Guardians  took out the dagger and told him: The only way to stop the Beast King is to stick this dagger into his heartz, King Yang made it and enchanted it, so that only you could use it, if one day he lost control again...

He gave the dagger to the supreme deity and told him that he will give it into your hands if he lost control again...

The Young girl looked at the guardians and said: ¿Then, My King, I already knew that a beast lived inside?, Because he doesn't trust me and he told me, I would have helped him, together we would have found another solution, so that his beast side would not have appeared again...

The Guardians: Being separated from his beast side, The memories from his mind were erased, And that's why I didn't remember that he was a half-beast man...

The Young Girl, With tears in his eyes he said the following: No, you can't ask me for something like that, How could I hurt the man I love?, It doesn't matter what it has become, He is still the man I was going to marry...

The Guardians: I'm sorry Humana, but you have to fulfill the mission that has been entrusted to you, If you don't do it, this world Will tun in danger...

You have to stick the Dagger into the beast before the Lunar eclipse forms,  If the beast returns to human form, You and we all will die...

The guards freed the young girl from the large chains and told her to hurry because there was not much time left...

The young girl, He let out a loud cry of pain and fell to the ground again, while holding the dagger in his hands, she really didn't want to hurt Yang in any way, But this time there was no other option, If everyone didn't do it, the entire planet would be in serious danger...

With her heart breaking, the young girl stood up and looking at the guards said the following: Take me to where My King is, Even if my heart breaks into a thousand pieces, I'm going to stop it, I can't let it do more damage...
I will fulfill the last will of My King...


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