18-The Awakening of the Beast King

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When that gigantic lightning struck the sacred orb that guarded The Yang, the earth of the entire Kingdom trembled with great force

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When that gigantic lightning struck the sacred orb that guarded The Yang, the earth of the entire Kingdom trembled with great force...

That sacred orb split in two and a great dark mist came out of it and rushed towards where King Yang was.

Yang put her hands on her head and began to scream, while bending to the ground in pain...

The very scared sorceress got up from the ground and tried to approach Yang while saying the following: Yang, My Love, ¿what have you got, what's wrong with you?, Please try to control yourself, if you don't, that beast that lives inside you will wake up...

But before the spellcaster got close to Yang, a strong energy stopped her and threw her away with great force...

The Yang body was already being covered by that dark mist that came out of the sacred orb...

The Thunder and Lightning were heard louder and grew louder and louder...

The land of that Kingdom trembled so hard that it began to crack...

The inhabitants of the Kingdom were so scared that they began to scream and run aimlessly...

The young girl was crying bitterly upon seeing what was happening to King Yang, she really wanted to run to his side and calm his anger and pain. But the chains were so heavy that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get rid of them...

The young girl, while continuing to observe Yang's image, dropped to the ground and little by little she was losing strength in her body.

He tried so hard to submit and scream that he began to lose consciousness little by little...

As he was losing consciousness he said the following: My King, Please wait a little, I will go to calm your pain as I always have, My King, My King...

After a few seconds he fell to the ground unconscious...

The Enchantress's body suffered gravely but she still stood up and raised her hand so that her magic staff appeared...

With his magic staff he tried to stop Yang but he couldn't achieve it...

The thunder and lightning can't stop being heard, in the entire sky, not in that dark mist that covered King Yang body...

Suddenly all the Lightning bolts gathered around Yang and formed a Gigantic Lightning Bolt that rushed towards where Yang was...

Those Gigantic statues in the shape of a Lion and Wolf, which were the personal guardians of King Yang, They broke into pieces and two great energies came out of those statues and headed towards where King Yang was, to unite with the...

That lightning was so gigantic that the entire ground where Yang was standing broke into my piece...

In the distance of that mist there was a very gigantic figure...

People came to see what was so gigantic that could be seen throughout the Kingdom...

When the fog disappeared completely, a gigantic white and gold beast could be seen...

The people and the Sorceress were in a state of shock when they saw that Gigantic Beast...

The Guardians of the Sun and the Moon woke up from their sleep and quickly headed to where that Gigantic Beast was...

The Gigantic Beast let out a great noise and when it was about to attack the people, two large lightning bolts fell from the sky and stopped it...

The people once again began to run and scream because of what their eyes were seeing, They did not want to die in the clutches of that Gigantic Beast...

The Sorceress was on the ground unable to move from shock...

Those Rays that fell from the sky were the guardians of the Sun and the Moon...

The guardians while stopping the Gigantesca,They turned to see The Sorceress and told her: Sorceress, You have made a very serious mistake by waking up the beast that was sleeping inside King Yang...

Now his fury will not cease until he has destroyed everything, even you will also be destroyed...

¿How could you believe that you could dominate the heart of the great beast?,You are not the one to dominate the heart of the beast...

Now you will have to pay the consequences of your grave mistake...

The Guardian of the Moon looked at the Guardian of the Sun and said the following: Guardian, we have to stop the great beast, before the Moon rises and meets the sun, to form the eclipse.
We cannot allow him to return to his human form, If you do, planet Earth and its inhabitants will be in great danger, Entire planet will burn in flames...

The Guardians could no longer hold back the Gigantic Beast and began to fight with it...

The gigantic beast, He let out a big Roar and started shooting big balls of fire out of his mouth...

The guardians took their sacred treasures and diverted the fireballs to a place where they would do nothing...

While they were fighting with the great beast, a great voice was heard in the sky that said the following: Guardians, the only way to stop the great beast is to plunge the dagger into its heart. Return to your stars, so I can deliver them to you...

The guardians made a reference and returned to their respective stars...

The Great Beast spread its gigantic wings and began to fly throughout the Kingdom, while destroying it with its fireballs...

Everything in the kingdom began to burn in flames...

The people of that kingdom were destroyed along with that Kingdom...

The Sorceress, repenting of what she had done, headed towards the great beast to try to stop it, but it was too late...

The young girl still remained unconscious...

Everything that was Peace and harmony had turned into chaos and destruction, due to the ambition and jealousy of a woman...

¿What will happen next?

Well we will discover that in the next chapter...


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