10- A love from the past returns

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Yang said goodbye to the young woman and went to his castle to prepare the banquet...

The young woman and her parents were also preparing for the morning banquet...

Yang told his trusted guard to notify his entire Kingdom to attend...

The news spread throughout the Kingdom, everyone was curious to know what news the King would give...

Yang was making the final preparations for the banquet, when he was suddenly interrupted by his trusted guard...

"Your Majesty, excuse the interruption but there is a person who has come from afar to see you and is waiting for you outside the castle"...

Yang, very astonished, told his security guard," Tell him that I will receive it in a few minutes"...

The guard made a reference and went to carry out his order...

Yang was wondering who could be the one requesting her presence, she couldn't stand her curiosity and quickly went to see who it was...

He left quickly and when he arrived he was left speechless when he saw the person who was requesting his presence...

Yang in shock said,"YOU"

"Hi, how long has it been a while since I've seen you Yang",said the voice of a very sweet and delicate woman...

Yang approached him and said:"¿What are you doing here, have you already forgotten what happened last time, how dare you come look for me?"...

The woman approached him and said: "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you so much, please let me get rid of this guilt I have...

Yang's Heart was so kind that he agreed to talk to her and asked her to come with him to his garden to talk quietly...

The woman followed him and they headed to the royal garden...

Yang and the woman sat down and she told him that she had very little time to talk to him, because she had a lot of things to do...

The woman looked at him sadly and said: I am truly very sorry for what I did a few years ago, it was a mistake, it was stupid, Regret has been weighing on me all this time, I never stopped loving you, every day your memory comes to my mind, you don't know how much I need you...

Yang started laughing and said: "¿You say that you miss me, that you still love me and that you need me, aaa and you also say that all this time you have not stopped thinking about me and that the guilt is weighing on you?"...

How can you tell such lies? If it had really been like that, you would have already looked for me a long time ago, you wouldn't have left me with this suffering...

You know how long I waited for you, how much I wished with all the strength of my heart that you would appear and tell me that everything had been a mistake, a confusion...

I cried for you day and night, night and day, all the time and at all hours, but you never showed up at that damn door again...

I loved you so much that I was willing to forgive you everything and start from scratch with you...

And now you come as if nothing had happened, ¡¡WHAT A HYPOCRITE YOU ARE!!...

Yang began to cry bitterly...

The woman got up and ran to give him a big hug and said: It's not too late my love, we still have time to start over and live our love, I really love you too much, I'm dying to kiss your lips again...

The woman tried to kiss Yang but he rejected her and took her away from him...

It's too late for us, the love I once felt for you has long since died, it is no longer there, it no longer exists in my heart.
Now my heart belongs to another woman, she really loves me, she is willing to do everything for me, everything for me. Likewise, I am willing to do everything for her, I love her too much and I am not going to leave her for a bad woman who only thinks about ambition and power, who does not mind sacrificing her feelings, In order to get everything you want...

The woman, very surprised and with tears in her eyes, told him: ¿Who is she and how dare you take away what is mine?...

Yang: How dare you say that I am like your property, You no longer mean anything to him and he is not interested in seeing you again. So turn around and go back where you came from...

I love that woman deeply and I don't plan to lose her because of you. Now get out and don't come back to look for me again...

The woman, full of jealousy and robbery, told him: ¿And she knows about your strange illness, Know about the nights you suffer like a tormented soul?...

No,I don't think she knows, I hope that when she does, she really stays by your side and doesn't leave you. But you know my love, I will be waiting for you, I love you and this time I am not going to let you go that easily...

I will be waiting for you, don't forget it my love, For now I'll walk away and leave you alone, But I know that when you tell her, you will come running into my arms and I will be there to comfort you...

The woman turned around and left...

Yang, with many mixed feelings and a lot of fury, ran to her bedroom and locked herself...

He threw all his things, let out a very loud scream and started crying...

That woman would only come into his life to ruin the happiness that he worked so hard to find...

The Emperor of Beasts (A love story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt