🌹| Video game

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Harin's house

↪Minho's pov↩

Einstein who? I only Lee know Minho.

After putting two and two together, I have solved the mystery; People see me as a girl for reasons unknown to me. I was now back at the only place I know after Minjun had basically carried me away from the building like a sack of potatoes.

I've thought deeper into this and logically figured out that scientists had somehow got a hold of me and had diverted and manipulate my mind into a simulation, implanting me in this oddly realistic video game and the only way out is marching towards the white house, demand my freedom and kimchi and a new wig for bald Chan.

Newton is lucky I wasn't born in the same timeline as him.

The room seemed to get tighter and less endearing the more I paced around, my hands squeezing the natural stress balls this character had, it was calming and let me think of ideas.

Light bulb.

I should call video game Chan. I've seen Felix play a lot of games and if I remember correctly, old characters often gives quests and that might lead to my escape.

All I needed was a phone.

"Where is it? Where is it? OH MY FUCKING GOD, WHERE THE FUCK IS IT?" I've been searching for a while and I couldn't find anything. Curse you scientists.

The heavens heard my cries and made a buzzing sound resonate from under the bed. I heaved out a sigh, crawling under to grab it.

You're really late, Rin!

That text was sent from a random user I didn't care about, so I swiped, only to be met by a command for a passcode.

Oh fuck it, I'm screwed.

I gave up after a couple tries, squeezing the stress balls for another idea.

Light bulb.

I should call 911.

Calling 911...

"Hello, 911. What is your emergency?"

___________• ° ★ ° •____________

Pick one or drop one

Side effect or Miroh?

Anyways hi, how are you?
As always Lee (> •-•)> Will be taking your votes and comments


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