🌹| Kids these days

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Harin's house

↪Minho's pov↩

“Hello, 911. What is your emergency. ”

“Oh thank goodness, you answered. I love you.” There was a paused from the other end and I couldn't blame the poor creature, its not every day Minho tells you he loves you. I would be stunned too, if I weren't myself. “I don't know where I am.”

“Were you kidnapped or just lost?” the female attendant queried.

“Listen carefully, its a bit complicated, okay?” She hummed back in response and I took that as an opportunity to speak up. “Actually I've been kidnapped by the scientists and I've been put in a female's body and only I know my true self.”

“Brother what?”

“Oh good, you hear me as a man, finally. I knew calling you was a smart idea, ” I couldn't help but chuckle out of relieve. This is easier than I thought.

“No no, you sound like a girl and and. . . your story um- how old are you?” the lady wavered with her words, evidently confused.

“I'm a twenty five year old man! Trapped in a young girl's body, I have boobs, man,” Oh my God, its futile, its going down hill. The government has instructed her not to help me.

What have I done to deserve this?

“Are you having gender crisis? Its quite common among youths these days,” I heard a bored yawn from the other end.

“I know I'm a male. And this lady keep calling herself my mom!”

Another yawn. “Maybe because she's your mom?”

“Listen here you little piece of shit! Don't try to sass me, rather be professional! Can't you hear the manliness in my voice? I'll have you know that I'm a super sexy-”

“Kids these days pranking the cops-” she cut me off. “I'm about to disconnect this call...”

“Wait- no! Don't!”

Beep. Beep. Beep.

That's it, I'm so fucking screwed.

___________• ° ★ ° •____________

Pick one drop one

Charmer or Freeze?

Anyways hi, how are you?
As always Lee (> •-•)> will be taking your votes and comments


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