🌹| Headache number two

424 38 33

Harin's house

↪Minho's pov↩

“When I saw him, I literally died. Like my soul left the group chat!”

*sighs* as if my current state wasn't enough, the evil scientists had the audacity to send in another character to make me feel extra miserable. And headache number two called itself my best friend and hadn't stop rambling ever since I opened the door.

Does she ever shuts up? She just goes on like a radio. Blah, blah, blah. Nothing she says ever make sense. “Lee know is so hot I'm gonna die!”

Now she speaking my language.

“You like Lee know?” I tilted my head a bit to the side. Now, I didn't like this situation one bit, but those words were so spiriting moving. Not that I wasn't aware, but its nice to hear it from a fan.

She nodded.

“Do you see me as Lee know?”

She halted.

The blonde scanned me, with the most bombastic side eye that has ever been bombast. “Do you want me to be honest?”

Ugh, this character is even more annoying than the first one. It had raided the fridge and was now hugging the couch.

Its time to eliminate it.

“Thank you for coming, please get the fuck out now!”  My voice was groggy, I was too, but it didn't stop me from pushing character two out of the door. She just kept whining in protest and also professing her love for 'Harin's couch' “What ever the hell your name is.”

“Its Ahra!” She bellowed. “Quit doing that, its not fun! I ha-” I quickly shut the door, cutting her off.

Heaving out a sigh, I was about to retreat back to the regeneration point of the simulation. That girlie room upstairs, when a thought slapped me across the face like a bitch.

“Fuck, I should've ask her to take me to the scientists!”

___________• ° ★ ° •___________

Pick one drop one

God's menu or back door?

Anyways hi, how are you?

My man Lee has a day off, so my other good friend Kim (> ^▫^)> will be taking your votes and comments. Bro a roughie, I wouldn't mess with him if I were you.


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