🌟| Break a leg

430 39 42

Dance studio

Harin's pov↩

“Okay everyone, warm up real quick, we've already wasted enough time.”

Chan's hawk gaze was immediately pinned on me, I swear everything that happened during the ride here, they'd blame me. Han forgot his headphone, blame it on Minho. Jeongin was still feeling sleepy, blame it on Minho. Changbin stole Hyunjin's chips, blame it on Minho.

Did I have a say in this? No.

I was petrified brah, fretting that if I said a word they'd hear Harin's voice. Like how do they see Minho and hear him too? I don't remember casting any spell or meeting a fairy godmother.

Wait, did I actually sell my soul for this?

Ha! In your face Satan, you can have my soul, and no refund, suffer the misery of my 3AM thoughts. Mwahahahahaha.

“Did you hear a word of what I said?” Chan was now standing dangerously close to me, a brow irked up. Like damn, who knew grandpa could move that fast.

I scratched my head, genuinely confused. “Um. . . did you say something?”

I must've blacked out for a second, cause I swear on Santa's fat tummy that I didn't hear a single word he had uttered. The other members bursted into a full on laughing fit, leaving me more befuddled than I already was.

“I said begin. You wanted to show us how to dance the bridge right?”

“Right! I'm still having problems-” Jeongin was still stretching, his tone a bit flat. “I keep moving my left leg first.”

More complains about which leg to move first arose amidst the group. And I just stood there, wondering how to escape this situation. Asking me about legs? Dude, my legs literally looks like that of an antelope.

After thinking for a while, I finally got an idea. Break a leg they say.

___________• ° ★ ° •_____________

Pick one drop one

Give me your TMI or Venom?

Anyways hi, how are you?

He's buff, he's tough and he's rough, please welcome back bouncer Lee (> •-•)> this gentleman will be taking your votes and comments


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