🌟| Fans do be crazy

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[Third person pov]

“Um Harin, why are you suddenly quiet?”

Its been eight hours after Jisung sent a message to Lee know and that was left unanswered, making the few who knew about this to panic like they were at a disco.

And to top things up Harin in Minho's body had barely said a word, only curved in the back seat of a car driven by Jeongin, while the rest panicked for their dear lives, praying that the ex Babybread doesn't drive into a ditch.

“I went to the dance studio to practice more cause I felt like I wasn't getting it right.” it was that question Changbin had asked, she finally knew the answer.

“Okay? Good for you?” To say Jisung was confuddled would be the understatement of the century. Like how could you fam?

Harin didn't feel like herself, she felt off, that little subconscious voice that of hers was slowly fading, creaking into a male's. She finally turned to him, grabbing his robust arm *ou lalas in Eiffel tower* “Oppa I'm scared.”

And that weird sight and even weirder word caught Seungmin's attention. You got me looking for attention~ sorry I got distracted. He creased his brows, watching them from the review mirror. “The fuck is this? Cringe fest?”

“Minho what the fuck man?” Jeongin looked away from the road, causing them to swerve and speed on serpent's road.

“Just pay attention!”

Even after that horrific car ride, Harin didn't feel that adrenaline pumping, it's was still the same, dull and groggy. That was until she? He? Hehe? *apologizes in Michael Jackson* felt a tap on her shoulder. “Minho, its great to see you, some kid dropped by yesterday claiming to be you.”

It was yet another hawt male, Harin wanted to fangirl but somehow she couldn't, it felt off, like she was friends with this stranger. “A girl?”

“Yeah, a crazy fan with a very very bad fashion sense!” Minjun laughed.

And Harin laughed too. “Could you maybe describe her?”

“Um, not too tall? I don't know, she was covered in the most ugly Olaf boa!” the taller shrugged, barely remembering her face.

But bingo, cause Harin could recognize the description of that boa anyhow. “Ah Thanks man, fans do be crazy.”

____________• ° ★ ° •____________

Pick one drop one
Double knot or district 9?

Hi, how are you?

As expected, Lee had a day off, so I'll now call on my other other other good friend Pae (>* ~▫•)> roughie over here will be taking your wonderful votes and comments, don't mess around brah, she knows karate.

Thanks for reading

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