🌹| Minho-rella

336 33 16

[Third person pov]

“I can't wait for Txt's new comeback, oh my God, they're so hot!”

It was all the same, girls raving about various things and boys trying the dumbest things ever. And this made Minho to ponder, why the hell he got up this morning and felt like he should go to school?

Like how on earth did he know which school to go? Was he even at the right school? What the hell was he thinking? Wearing a skirt and this pink floral top? Is hair packed into two pigtails? What in the fucking science was going on in his mind?

“Harinnnnnnnn!” the poor confused guy was jumped on by headache number two, hugging this body he had possessed until air almost bid him adios. “You look so cute. I knew pigtails would suit you, but you kept protesting, no, no, no, you kept protesting,” this annoying character was now pulling his cheek as she cooed like he was a baby.

“Please stop touching me,” Minho whined, but he didn't hear his usual voice and that bemused the fuck out of him. “My voice? What is happening to my voice. Ahra my voice is go-”

Bro paused after gaining the attention of the students, they all gazed at him like he was some creature that crawled out of a lab.

But he wasn't concerned about that, he was more bothered about the fact that he could hear Minho. “I- I need to go,” Minho ran like Cinderella when the clock was almost at the twelve tick.

And Ahra was like GusGus and some random student who wanted to get the latest gist was Jaq. Like girl, can't you see our boy was having a crisis?

“Harin, are you okay?” Ahra kept asking, grunting when a few students blocked her path and by the time they sauntered away she couldn't spot her friend. How cliché author, do better.

Minho on the other hand, had ran into the boys' restroom. Long story shut, he somehow felt traumatized.

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Pretty sure none of you are curious but I wrote a book where Ahra is a bitch

Its called On track a Minho x female of x Hyunjin book

Pick one drop one
Case 143 or Ice cream?

Anyways hi, how are you?

As always Lee (> •-•)> will be taking your votes and comments, broski is fully charged now, no messing around

Thanks for reading

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