🌹| Morning sickness

267 30 10

Possibly me

Well alright fuck you Han and
Harin or whatever

Minho gruffed, tossing the phone away. He pulled the mattress over his face, throwing a random fit. For some reason he felt like a teenage girl who didn't get texted by her friends – wait, what the fuck?

Possibly me
Han, I feel like something is

I feel odd

He did in fact feel odd. And now that he thought about it, he never got told Harin's password, how the fuck did he unlock her phone when he was so clueless earlier? And why did he have memories of a year ago that didn't belong to him?

It was that of Harin and some people raving about some kpop group.

Possibly me
Han help me
I think I'm turning into this Harin character

The scientists plans are getting to
faze two

But Han wasn't responding. What could possibly be keeping him distracted?

Possibly me
I'm going to try escaping again

I think staying here has its effect
Please text me back

Minho groaned, kicking himself off the bed. He slowly made his way to the door, creaking just a little fraction to peek if the coast was clear.

Once he deemed it worthy, he slipped out, heading downstairs.

“Where are you sneaking off to?”

Damn you character one! Minho almost had his clean escape. Now he has to think of an excuse.

“I am hungry,” Good job Minho, Good job.

He managed to keep his composure and that bemused him cause he was never affected by her presence. Why was he suddenly feeling intimidated?

“Harin, its three in the morning and you're already thinking about food,” Character one sighed, chuckling lowly under her breath.

Morning? Was it the reason why he was feeling odd? Was it cause it was day two into this madness?

Hyung, I'm sorry
Hyunjin came and...

You know how easily
distracted we are

------------• ° -💜- ° •---------------

Pick one drop one
Dlc or timeout?

(I really feel like I've asked this)

Anyways hi, how are you?

As always Lee (> •-•)> will be taking your votes and comments

Thanks for reading.

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