Flashback to past

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As my condition worsened, i got to see my past memories. A flashback of things that shaped me into who i am.

"Dad, i have gotten high grades this time. I worked really hard. You know, i had caught fever but i had managed to score well. And...."
"You got fever cause you are irresponsible. You call these grades? Being an Alpha isn't a small task. Have you seen my hardwork? Madison, your future is dark."

"Mom, you know, they bullied me always. I don't want to go back. Can you go alone? Please, i don't want to."
"You can't you adjust to people? What's wrong with you? Why do you get bullied? Truth is, you let yourself get bullied."

"Sis,you say! You are never capable of being my sister. You always play victim. I hate you. Father never loved you. He loved me. He never acknowledged you as his daughter. You will never ever reach perfection, you slut."
"Why do you call me a slut? What have I done to you?"
"I call you by this name cause you are a slutty woman. That's true. I would never need you."

"Madison, i reject you as my luna and my mate."

"Have you seen yourself? You can't even shift. My Luna has standards. How come you even think you can fit into my pack?"

"Help! Help, please!"

The screams of agony when they left me to die. I called for help as I was bleeding to death. My ex mate heard. Did anyone come to my rescue?

Pain was all I got from childhood. I never had anyone to be true. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't be loved. What is love? Still, I protected Avina. All i got was bad names.Then comes the worst day that changed me forever. I turned into a rogue! I fought and fought till i couldn't do it anymore. At last, my love was still repaid by betrayal. That's why, i don't fear death. I have lived through the worst. I can and i will take back what's mine. By blood and by flesh. I don't care.

I will inflict the same pain you did on me. There isn't any mercy for you as you didn't show me any mercy.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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