Chapter 26

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Winter break flew by, and Soobin soon enough found himself back at his desk in January, ready and gearing up to finish the last part of his school life.

To his surprise, the first day of school in 2019 was a lot more enjoyable than Soobin had expected. Everything was very chill and nothing hectic was going on.

Whether it was a "calm before the storm" type of day as they were now in the pre-final exams phase he didn't know, but it was nice to have a relaxing day for once.

That's why Soobin was quite shocked to see the clock pointing at 4 o'clock that day, because it did not feel like eight hours had passed.

"Alright that's all for today!" Mr Shun said.

Then the bell blared loudly, announcing the end of the school day. Jungkook and Hoseok began to pack their bags while also conversing.

"What are we gonna do today?" Jungkook asked.

"I have a meeting with the dance team today; you guys can tag along if you want."

"I'll have to take a rain check on that," Soobin replied.

"Why? Meeting up with Taehyun?" Hoseok questioned.

"Yeah. I haven't seen him in a week."

It's definitely been a while.

"Okay. We'll do something together this weekend then?"

Soobin nodded.

"Fine by me."

"Okay great. See you Soobin!" Jungkook waved goodbye.

The youngest of the three waved his hand a little before packing his last books into his backpack.


The said boy looked up at Mr Shun.

"Can I talk to you for one sec?" he asked.

"Of course."

Soobin approached his desk and stood up straight before him.

"Yes sir?"

"I wanted to say that your grades have improved drastically. I think you may get a good degree if you keep it up," Mr Shun praised him with a smile.

Soobin's eyes widened in sheer amazement.


"Yes. I'm quite curious, how did you get a change of heart?"

The student paused.

How do I keep the truth secret without lying?

"Umm... someone who's special to me told me I can do it if I put effort into my work, and gave me tips on how to study a bit more efficiently," he responded.

"Ah. Whoever that special someone is, you should definitely be thankful for them. They are helping you with your future."

Them. He used a gender neutral pronoun...

"I guess," was all Soobin said.

He smiled genuinely.

"That was all Soobin. Have a nice day."

"You too Mr Shun."

When Soobin stepped out of the classroom, he was greeted with a happy yell.

"Hi Soobin!"

The boy jolted from shock, and sighed jokingly upon seeing who it was.

"Hey Taehyun."

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