Chapter 37

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🎶: 'Lost in the Dream' by MONSTA X


"YAY I FINALLY WON A ROUND!" Yuna exclaimed.

Taehyun clapped his hands in excitement as he laughed.

"Good for you!"

The three Kang siblings were gathered in the girls' room, spending some time together now that Taehyun's shift had been cut down. Yuna and Lia were eagerly eating the candy he had extra brought for them from the café, and they were playing another round of solitaire.

By now you can probably tell this is their favorite game.

The doorbell suddenly rang, interrupting their cheerful conversation.

"Mom, someone is ringing our apartment!" Taehyun yelled.

"I'll get it!"

Ahyeon, seeing how this was usually the time the hospital delivers the medication on Thursdays, pressed the button next to the door so the ones who were ringing them could enter the building. Not a minute later, they rang on their apartment door.

Ahyeon unlocked it, and opened it, expecting to see a delivery man.

"Hello, thank you for—"


Ahyeon backed away from the door the moment she heard that loud shout, immediately raising her arms as two suit dressed men with guns came barging inside her home.

"What is going on?!" she cried out.

"KEEP YOUR HANDS UP OR WE'LL SHOOT!" that same man yelled.

She kept her arms raised, although they were visibly shaking from fright as she saw the two metal pieces pointed at her, one aiming for her head, the other... for her heart.

Terrified to keep eye contact, she lowered her head...

"Calm down, will you two?" an icy voice spoke.

... but not for long.

Ahyeon had to look up when she recognized him, and she cowered back at the sight.

"M-Mr Choi?"

Another door banged open, this one coming from the apartment.


Taehyun was reshuffling the cards, listening to Yuna and Lia's typical bickering.


The three kids jumped from fright when they heard a loud, unfamiliar voice coming from their living room.

Yuna grabbed onto Lia reflexively, her spooked eyes wide as her irises began to tremble.

"Unnie what was that?!"

Lia looked at Taehyun.


The brunette had already dropped the cards and gotten off the bed, closing the door behind him.

"Stay here!"

His steps pounded over the creaking wooden floor as he made his way to the living room, where the front door was. And when he saw his mom holding his hands up, his terror blurring the rest of his vision, a loud shout escaped his mouth.


Taehyun ready to rush towards her when he heard something being cocked. He looked to his left, and gasped.

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