Chapter 45

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A/N: you guys will definitely need tissues for this chapter 🥹🧻 also the song is EXTREMELY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR THE RIGHT MOOD SO LISTEN TO IT OR ELSE 👹👺 just kidding hihi 🥰


🎶: 'Let's Love' by Suho

Soobin sighed deeply and walked towards the sink behind the counter, turning the tap water on to complete the final task. He listened to the water rushing down from the faucet as he washed all of the dishes as it was the only sound, bored out by the tedious job.

At that exact same moment, a tall hooded figure walked from the left street towards the café, the wind blowing towards them, ruffling their clothes.

They pulled their hood down even further to shield them from the cold and blowing wind, stopping in front of the café's door.

After taking a look at the small paper sign on the glass pane, which read OPEN, they pushed the door to the side, entering the building.

A small bell hanging by the door frame to notify workers rang, catching Soobin's attention that somebody was here, yet still not interrupting his work.

"Hello, may I order something?" a soft tenor voice asked.

That finally snapped Soobin out of his task and he placed the glass he was washing down in the sink, glancing back at his intriguing customer.

Soobin couldn't fully see his face as it was mostly cloaked by a hoodie hood, but the way he spoke so softly and cautiously, politely too, told him he was completely harmless.

He only had a gray travel backpack in his hand that he had placed down on the ground, and nothing about him raised suspicion.

And if Soobin, with a very good vibe check, thinks that way, then that's the truth.

"The café is already closed," Soobin informed, switching his professionalism on.

"Oh really? The sign says it's open."

Soobin heard a slight accent in the person's Korean, but he couldn't figure out what kind of accent it was.

Not that it mattered anyway— he probably was a foreigner coming to visit.

In the midst of his thoughts, he remembered what the person just said to him, and boy was he glad that Yeonjun wasn't here to scold him for not doing a very important task.

Making sure the place was closed when it's supposed to be closed.

"Oh really? I must have forgotten to turn the sign; my bad," Soobin replied.

"I can also go if you're not open—"

"No no, it's totally fine; I can still prepare you something, we're not the type to turn away customers after all."

A sigh of relief followed.

"Oh that's great; I haven't had anything in hours," the person chuckled.

The chuckle.

It sounded familiar.

"What would you like?" Soobin asked, reaching for one of the glasses he just washed.

"A vanilla mocha please."

Soobin froze in his steps.

... Vanilla mocha?

That beverage hasn't been on the menu in years. Yeonjun took it off because of how widely unpopular it was. After all, who in the world mixes vanilla with chocolate when they are completely opposite flavors; makes zero sense, right?

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