Chapter 51

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🎶: 'Until We Meet Again' by Boy Sompob
(A/N: I highly recommend the Thai version <3)


Last night was the first time Soobin could safely say he slept well and soundly in two years.

When he woke up due to the light from outside filtering through his curtains, his groggy mind wondered at first... why someone had their arms around him, and he around them.

So, Soobin glanced down, and a smile crossed his face.

Taehyun was lying there, in his arms, cuddled close to him, sleeping so peacefully and adorably as he remembered.

That's something that'll never change about you... my love.

Soobin wished they could stay like this together. All warm and cuddled up in his best, without a care in the world because the world they lived in only consisted of the two, and no one else.

He basked in the moment longer, listening to Taehyun's soft breaths as he inhaled and exhaled, until he felt his smaller body beginning to stir to consciousness.

Seeing he was waking up, Soobin carefully bent his head to kiss Taehyun's forehead.

"Good morning Tyun," he whispered.

Quiet whines came as a response. Taehyun slowly opened his eyes, blinking in the rising sun.

"Morning Soobin hyung," he mumbled, burying his face into Soobin's chest, automatically wanting more warmth.

Which made Soobin melt like chocolate pudding.

"Awww... you are so cute."

"Last night... that lowkey was amazing."

Soobin laughed.

"What, you liked that I left love marks on you?"

Taehyun pouted, blush invading his cheeks once more, and rubbed his nape.

"They'll fade, and I'll cover them up with makeup."

"Not on my account."

Soobin shifted their position, trapping the younger underneath him again. Taehyun rolled his eyes, but Soobin could still spot the red blush on his ears and cheeks. He chuckled and pecked his forehead again.

"You're still the same person as before," Soobin said.

"Thank you, now will you let me go to the bathroom?"

"Nooo... I want more cuddles."


"So do youuuuu."


After their extended cuddling session, Soobin took shower, allowing the two to get dressed separately, because, you know, Soobin being the gentleman he was respected Taehyun's privacy.

While he showered, Taehyun changed into the clothes he had packed in his backpack in case something happened while him and Kai were on the plane that would cause them to camp in a hotel without their main luggage.

A white halter top with a green knitted sweater over it and jeans paired with gray sneakers completed his outfit, and he fixed his hair with the help of his phone camera screen.

He looked so beautiful that Soobin nearly fainted when he stepped out of the bathroom, finding him squatted on the floor fixing his hair and light makeup too.

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