Chapter 47

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*two years earlier*

🎶: 'Criminal' by Taemin
Warning: Mentions of racist + homophobic slurs and violence


"Class, we have a new student joining us in senior year," the white teacher smiled.

All eyes in the room fell onto the hooded boy in the back seat, who hadn't said a word this whole time.

"Would you like to introduce yourself?" she asked.

The hooded boy stood up, his head still hanging low as he stared at the floor.

He didn't want to face anyone.

He shouldn't even be here in the first place.

"Please look up; we would like to see you."

Taehyun looked up, his bloodshot eyes shocking the classroom because of the intense they gave them. The American kids found him scary right away.

The brown haired boy gulped slightly before beginning to talk.

"Hello, my English name is Terry Kang. I'm 17 years old, and I come from Korea. My Korean name is Taehyun," he said.

"Oh that's amazing! I assume English isn't your first language?" the teacher asked.

Isn't that obvious?

"No ma'am. But I can understand it alright."

"Well if you need to, you're allowed to use your phone to google translate Terry."

"Thank you."

Taehyun sat back down and scooted closer to the wall. He didn't pay attention to the teacher, not just because she was speaking English and he couldn't understand what she was saying, but because he was thinking.

Over everything the past few months.

Since they came to America in February, the relationship between the Kangs has become... complicated.

Ahyeon found a good job at a company that produces electronic equipment and devices. It surprised her children when she revealed she studied computer science in college, as well as English. She was the only one who could speak it fluently.

With all the money she was earning, she was able to keep up the pay for a nice house, a car, and cell phones for all three.

Which at first were given by Mr Choi.

Lia even got the opportunity to get that surgery, and was taking physical therapy to get back on her feet, quite literally.

Yuna meanwhile was given stronger medication that cleared her airways from mucus even better, and was receiving treatment for her seizures.

Ahyeon also paid for an English tutor, who was very kind and patient. He could also speak Korean, and made it easier for the three Kang children to learn English.

Okay, maybe not all of them.

Lia and Yuna were more enthusiastic about their English studies, but Taehyun? He locked himself in his room when he heard that they'll be getting tutoring. Ahyeon even had to break the lock and drag her son down the stairs.

Taehyun unwillingly paid attention, because deep down he knew that Soobin would want him to adapt.

But oh how much he hated to adapt to new circumstances.

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