Chapter 32

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A/N: this chapter is so boring and it's basically on crack half of the time plus a filler, just take it as an apology from me for all the angst 💀👍


🎶: 'Plum' by Troye Sivan

Soobin woke up at the crack of dawn the next morning, meaning it was not even 6am yet, but he didn't mind. After all, he had his precious baby snuggled up in his arms.

If he starts calling or refers to Taehyun as his baby from now on, it's his fault, not the author's.

His heart just could not describe how thankful he was that the of them finally made up, after so many days of painful ignorance.

I guess Yeonjun's advice really worked... I should stop by and thank him for it, or who knows, maybe Taehyun can deliver him the message.

Speaking of...

Taehyun was still sound asleep, Soobin's left earbud dangling from his earlobe. The two couldn't fall asleep due to the traffic outside that for some reason was very active at 12am, so Soobin suggested they listened to some soft music that he really liked to fall asleep to, and it worked.

Soobin smiled and gently removed it. He quietly placed his phone on the bedstead and just laid there, looking at him. Taehyun was adorable when he slept, he couldn't deny that. His lips were pouty, his brows relaxed and he looked so pretty and tranquil as he softly breathed in and out.

I can't recall the last time I saw him this peaceful...

Soobin stayed this way for half an hour, admiring every detail in Taehyun's gorgeous facial features.

Until he heard him shift around as he stirred back to life, and his eyes blinked open. Taehyun looked up at him, and a tiny smile formed on his face.

"Morning Soobin."

"Morning Taehyun," Soobin replied, pressing a kiss on his forehead.

Taehyun automatically snuggled closer to him, liking his warmth.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, you?" Taehyun responded.

"Me too. How is your ankle?"

"It's okay I guess."

Soobin flipped the blanket aside and climbed out of bed. Taehyun quietly whined, making grabby hands towards the blanket as he felt cold, and Soobin resisted the urge to gush and fawn over his cuteness.

"Where are you going?" the brunette asked.

"Nowhere. I'm just checking your ankle."

Soobin slipped the sock off and then unwrapped the towel from Taehyun's narrow ankle.


"What is it hyung?"

"It looks better than I thought. Just a minor swelling."

"Oh okay."

Soobin placed the towel to the side and gently massaged his ankle.

"Can you stand?"

"I'll try."

Taehyun climbed out of bed, and stepped on his ankle.

"Ye— OW!"


Soobin caught him on time, but that resulted in Taehyun crashing against his chest, nearly making them topple to the floor.

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