The Dress // Part One

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Violet huffed, demolishing the pizza she'd ordered as Val rushed around the house. Larry was away on a work trip so they hadn't been able to have their weekly date, meaning instead of friday night dinner at the Goodmans, Violet was having friday night takeaway, her mum having been too busy to cook.

"Oh aren't you excited for the wedding!" Val sighed, looking proudly at her dress hung up on the door.

"You shouldn't eat that you'll bloat." Her voice changed drastically as she turned her head to Violet who rolled her eyes, attempting to ignore her.

"Yes mum, I'm so happy Neil is getting married to foot face Karen!" She feigned excitement, sarcasm dripping from her words earning her a warning from her mum.

"It's your brother! You could at least be a bit excited." Val turned back to look at her dress, "It's a shame you weren't asked to be a bridesmaid, their dresses are lovely."

"I thought you liked my dress?!" Violet exclaimed, closing the now empty pizza box, putting it to one side.

"I do!" Val defended, "It's just.." She trailed off, Violet choosing to take her box into the kitchen instead of listening to her mum's comments about her dress.

"Oh I must call Jackie!" Val exclaimed, running into the kitchen behind her, "She'll love to see my dress!"

Val picked up the phone before dialling, putting it on speaker so Violet could hear too.

"Hello?" Came Adam's voice from down the phone, Violet moving to her mum's side.

"Hello! It's only auntie Val!"

"Oh Val! Val!" They could hear Jackie rushing around in the background, clearly to snatch the phone off of Adam.

"Hi Val!" She said loudly, making Violet take a small step back from the phone.

"Hello!!" Her mum replied, Violet laughing slightly as she could hear Jackie telling whoever was with her who was on the phone.

"Hello Auntie Val." She heard the boys drone in the background.

"Hi boys!" Violet responded, looking at Violet smiling, "Violet's here too!"

"Hi." She gave her mum a playfully annoyed grin as an excited Jackie and the unphased boys said hi to her too.

"I'm looking forward to meeting your girlfriend on sunday Jonny!" Val grinned down the phone, Violet having to stifle her laughter.

She had made sure to keep reminding her mum about Alison, constantly telling her Jonny's plans about bringing her to the wedding.

"Well..." Jackie begun, moving the topic away from Alison, much to Violet's dismay.

"It's here!" Val practically screamed down the phone, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Ohhh! And how does it look?" Jackie asked, matching her energy.

"You'll find out soon I'm bringing it round!"

Violet turned to look at her mum, ignoring Jackie's response as she looked on in confusion. She was told she wasn't allowed to go to the Goodmans so her and her mum could spend time together.

She wasn't complaining though, either she got dragged along with her mum and ended up at the Goodmans anyway, or she got the house to herself. Either one was good enough for her.

Violet was snapped back to reality as her mum and Jackie said their goodbyes.

"Your going to see Jackie?" Violet asked, her mum giggling in response, nodding.

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