The Wedding // Part Two

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Martin, Adam, Violet and Jonny trailed behind Jackie as she rushed over to the door.

"Hello, Jackie, you look nice." Jim said as soon as Jackie opened the door.

Jackie suppressed a sigh, instead smiling politely at the man.

"Hi, Jim. I thought you were the car."

"You thought I was a car?" Jim questioned, looking at Jackie puzzled.

"Is it important? We're really busy." Jackie told him.

"Yes, of course, getting ready to go to the mosque."

"Synagogue." The five at the door corrected.

"Ooh, yes. No. We wanted to give your mother a little something for her nuptials." Jim said, flinching away from Wilson as he dropped his lead, the dog immediately rubbing away as Jim picked up a large box from the floor.

"Um.. Blimey." Jackie exclaimed.

"Er, thanks, Jim.". Martin added.

"Yeah." Jonny agreed.

"What is it?" Adam asked.

Violet had the same question running through her mind as she stared in shock at the gorgeously wrapped present.

"It's an original 18th-century 24-piece porcelain tea set."

"Is it?" Violet gasped, thinking about how lovely it was of Jim to give Nelly and Mr Morris such a gift.

"Yes. It's been in the family for years. Used to belong to Marie Antoinette."

"Really?" Jonny frowned, perplexed that Jim would give away something like that.

"I was going to donate it to the British Museum.."

Jim was cut off by the phone ringing loudly, making the family flinch as Jackie rushed to turn it off.

The noise made Jim jump, losing his grip on the box. He faffed around trying to catch it, failing miserably as it fell over his head and onto the floor with a loud crash, all the china inside it smashing on impact.

"Oh dear." Jim whispered, the family looking at him in shock.

After the disaster, Jackie managed to get rid of Jim relatively quickly, immediately calling the car company to see where they were.

"Hurry up, Val." Martin called up the stairs.

"Nearly there." She yelled back down.

After Nelly had begun crying over her ex-husband (something that had apparently happened whilst Violet was getting ready), Val had to re-fix her makeup, making it lucky the car was late as Nelly was only just getting into her dress.

Due to Jackie's stress beginning to catch up to her once more, Adam, Jonny and Violet had taken to hiding in the kitchen, only emerging when they heard Val speak from the top of the stairs.

"Ladies and gentleman, may I present our beautiful bride." She announced.

The three made their way into the hall to look at Nelly as Val starting humming 'here comes the bride', ushering Nelly down the stairs.

The five tried to stifle their noises of horror as Nelly walked down the stairs in a very old fashioned white gown. The skirt poofed out, the many layers of mesh starting at her hips.

The seam between the skirt and bodice had a single white flower, the top of the dress scattered in gems that congregated at the top.

She'd paired it with a see through white jacket with embroidered petals that looked the same material as the veil.

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