The New Car // Part One

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"God it's like being driven round in a shitty house." Violet complained.

Jonny had insisted on picking her up in his new car, despite her protests. It was the new company car he had gotten from work, a plastic house resting a top the roof, much to Violet's disgust.

"Ha. Ha." Jonny rolled his eyes.

"It's an eyesore!" She scoffed, receiving a small huff from Jonny.

"You excited to tell your parents about your promotion?" Violet asked, giving Jonny a look out the corner of her eye.

"Yeah! Mum's gonna be well pleased, I've already messaged her saying I've got news." Jonny replied.

"And are you going to tell them how you got it?" Violet smirked.

"Piss off." Jonny scowled, "They don't have to know that bit."

"What that you shagged an 80 year old to get a promotion and a shitty car."

"Liz isn't 80!" Jonny defended, pulling into the drive.

"Looks it though." Violet winked, getting out the car.

She was the only one Jonny had told about his promotion so far, as well as what he did to get it.

He'd picked her up from hers one day for a drive, insisting it was important before spending the next few hours they were out complaining about the predicament he was in.

"I don't even like her!" Jonny whined, following Violet to the door.

"Break up with her then." Violet suggested, quickly tucking the bag of treats Jonny had bought for Martin further into his suit jacket.

"What and get demoted, great!" He scoffed opening the door.

"Hi!" He yelled, scaring Martin as he exited the bathroom, Adam trailing behind him.

"Oh, Christ!" Martin yelled, jumping around to face the two.

"Jonny!" Adam groaned.

"All right, Pusface." Jonny grinned.

"Females?" Violet questioned, poking her head around the bathroom door.

"No, actually."

"Dad's drugs?"

"Dad's drugs."

"Here." Jonny pulled the small back out from his suit jacket, handing them to Martin who immediately scurried back into the bathroom.

"Hi, Jonny." Jackie beamed, giving her son a big hug.

"Oh, hi, Mum." He hugged her back, shooting a quick glance at the bathroom, sighing at his dad's close call.

"Hi V! You look nice!" Jackie turned to give the girl a hug.

"Thank you." She grinned.

"So, what's the big news?" Jackie clasped her hands together, looking at Jonny with excitement, subtly glancing between him and Violet in hopes the news would be about the two of them.

"What? Oh!" Jonny panicked slightly as he thought his mum had caught onto the secretive bag he'd given Martin.

"Thanks, Jonny. Oh, hello, my darling." Martin came back out the toilet, freezing when he saw his wife.

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