The Dinner with Mr Morris // Part Two

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"Here, Pusface!" Jonny sauntered into the kitchen, coming up behind Adam, pouring gravy over his hands before placing the jug in the sink where Adam was attempting to do the washing up.

"Oh! Thank you." Adam sarcastically said.

"Pleasure." Jonny grinned before leaning against the counter where Violet was sat, choosing a spot in between her legs.

She wrapped her arms around him, resting a head on his shoulder, as Jackie stormed in.

"I can't believe it. My 78-year-old mother having an affair with an 82-year-old man." She whispered.

"Behind the back of his 93-year-old wife." Jonny reminded, getting a small smack on the forehead by Violet.

"That could definitely be a porno." Adam interjected, grinning.

"Sorry, I just have to, um..." Martin rushed into the kitchen, grabbing his box of fossils on the kitchen side.

"Where are you going?" Jonny asked, getting ignored by Martin has he left the house out the side door.

"His usual hiding place, no doubt. Thank you, Martin. Leave me in it!" Jackie rolled her eyes, raising her voice slightly as Martin shut the door behind him.

"Oh, hello, love. Lou wondered if there was any more champagne." Nelly tottered into the kitchen, Jackie moving away from where she was stood as her mum spoke.

"Oh, did he?" Jackie asked snarkily.

"Yes, he said you were a bit mean with his first glass." Nelly remained smiling, unaware of Jackie's true feelings.

"I was, was I?"

"Apparently, it was all froth." Nelly continued.

Jonny moved from his spot, much to Violet's dismay, to grab the champagne from the fridge for his Grandma.

Violet jumped off the side as he passed it to her.

"Here, Grandma."

"No, Jonny. Let her get it herself." Jackie snapped making Jonny stop in his tracks.

"Froth." Jackie muttered, her face filled with aggravation as she looked down at her mum.

"Is there something the matter, dolly?"

"What do you think, Mum?"

"I don't know what you mean."

"OK, well, perhaps you can tell me what are Mr Morris's intentions?"

"His intentions?"

Jonny had backed up next to Violet, immediately regretting his decision as she started making vulgar hand gestures, hinting at what Mr Morris' intentions with his Grandma were.

He grabbed both her wrists in one hand, forcing her to stop as he pulled her towards him, champagne bottle still in his other hand.

He moved her in front of him so the two could continue watching Jackie and Nelly's conversation, however he kept his grip on her wrist, resting his hand that was holding them dangerously close to her boobs.

"Oh, come on, Mum! Adultery, at your age"

"Adultery? No, Jackie, it's not like that."

"Well, what is it like, then?"

"Excuse me. I can't wait all night." Mr Morris entered the room, snatching the champagne off Jonny.

"Good on you, all a woman needs is a bit of touching like that." Mr Morris nodded at Jonny's hand placement in approval before grabbing Nelly's ass on his way out.

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