The Curtains // Part Two

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"Do you reckon she'll want a gin and tonic?" Violet asked Martin, peering out into the hallway.

He nodded as he started moving the broken dish into one pile with his food, Violet starting on two extra large gin and tonics, one for her and one for Jackie, choosing to ignore Jackie's yelling at Jonny once more.

She heard glimpses of their argument, gathering that it was primarily about Jonny's fake girlfriend. Apparently Jonny should end the relationship by saying 'thank you but goodbye'.

As she was finishing up the G&T's they came back into the kitchen, Jonny yelling about how Jackie was a nutcase.

"What are they saying?" Martin asked as Violet took her gin and walked over to where the boys were stood.

"That mums a nutcase." Adam responded, clearly enjoying his brother being shouted at.

"Ah.. Well..."

"Thank you Martin.." Jackie finally found the dustpan and brush she'd been looking for, passing it to him unimpressed.

"Right." Jonny took a deep breath, "I've had enough of this crap, I'm going out. C'mon V." Jonny stormed out the kitchen, grabbing Violet on his way, who begun chugging her gin, desperately trying to finish it before he dragged her out the house.

"Goodbye." Jackie said, still sounding incredibly pissed off at him.

"You're going out?" Adam asked, pushing himself away from the wall and peering out into the hallway where Jonny and Violet now were.

"No! Leave him Adam! If he wants to go let him go!"
Jonny appeared back through the door, quickly grabbing his suit jacket, pulling a face at Jackie in the process, before storming back to the front door where Violet had just finished her gin.

"Don't be ridiculous, where are you going?" Adam asked, following him.

He had egged on Jonny and Jackie's argument but he didn't think it would end with Jonny leaving, taking Violet with him.

"The pub." Jonny responded, as if it were obvious.

"The pub?"

"Yeah the pub."

"Sorry since when have you ever gone to the pub on a friday night?"

Jackie appeared again from around the door, "Yeah! Go on! Go to the pub on a friday night! Very jewish of you!" every word laced with venomous sarcasm.

"Thank you but goodbye!" He responded, opening the door and storming out, wrapping an arm around Violet in the process.

She could tell his family were having major problems, because usually something like this (despite the fact it was only to stop her from stumbling or anything due to how much she'd drank already) would result in comments and jokes from everyone, this time no one cared that Jonny grabbed her with him when he was trying to leave and Adam didn't make one comment about how close they were at that given moment.

"Sorry the pub? What pub?" Adam asked following them out the door.

"I don't know do I?" Jonny asked, not bothering to turn around.

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