The Second-First Date

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Jonny took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell, his hands trembling slightly, making the flowers he was holding shake.

"Hi." Violet smiled, opening the door for him.

"Wow." Was all Jonny could say as he looked the girl up and down.

She was wearing a tight mini skirt with a slit up the side, paired with a red top that showed just the right amount of cleavage. She'd opted for heels, knowing Jonny would still be taller than her, not bothering to take a jacket either.

Violet giggled slightly as she looked up at Jonny, his jaw had dropped at the sight of her.

"You look beautiful." He finally managed to say, handing her the flowers.

"Thank you." Her smile got even wider as she took the flowers  "Come in!"

"You sure?" Jonny asked, looking around the hall as he hesitantly stepped in, "Val's not suddenly gonna jump out at me is she?" He laughed slightly.

"No she's out." Violet laughed, putting the flowers into some water, "Let me just run these up to my room."

Jonny allowed his eyes to follow her as she ran upstairs, fighting away the massive grin he wanted to express.

"Ready?" He asked as Violet rushed back down.

She nodded enthusiastically, taking his arm when he offered it to her, allowing him to lead her out the house.

"Our first date." Jonny grinned, opening the car door for her.

"Second-first date." Violet corrected, earning a chuckle off Jonny.

"Okay well this first date is gonna be far better than our first-first date." Jonny told her, getting in the drivers side.

"I don't know whether we can top our extremely awkward sixth form date." Violet said sarcastically.

"God why were we both so awkward." Jonny groaned as Violet giggled.


"Here we are." Jonny smiled nervously as he opened the car door for Violet, helping her out as he anxiously awaited her reaction.

"The Chinese place!" She gasped, grinning up at him.

"The fancy Chinese place." He gave her a pointed look as she giggled, grabbing ahold of his arm once more.

"I love this place." She smiled as the two walked to the door.

Jonny smiled back, holding the door open for her before heading over to the hostess stand.

The two had their food, there never being one moment where they weren't smiling or laughing.

"I really love this Jonny, thank you." Violet said earnestly, holding Jonny's hand above the table.

"I'm just glad you actually agreed to go out with me." He chuckled.

Violet laughed, biting her lip slightly as she paused, taking time to actually appreciate the boy in front of her.

He was wearing his usual suit, but had opted for a more formal one. His hair was slightly wavy, exactly the way Violet had said she liked, his constant smile making it hard for the girl to not lean over the table and kiss him then and there.

Jonny was aware of the girls stare, but was unaffected by it, admiring all of her. The two allowed themselves to fall in a comfortable silence, both enjoying each other's company in a world of their own.

"What are you two doing here?"

The two were snapped back into reality, quickly snatching their hands back from each other as they looked up at who had spoken.

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