The Date // Part One

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Violet arrived at the house rushing out her car, checking that Adam hadn't arrived yet. She gave a sigh of relief as she didn't see his bright red shitbox around, frantically knocking on the door for someone to let her in.

She'd had to come to the Goodman's straight from work with a change of clothes in her car so that she could look nice for the evening, she was so excited she could barely keep still, the two plastic bags of clothes she had rustling with every movement.

"Alright Pest." Jonny smirked opening the door.

"Move!" Violet pushed her way into the house chucking one of the bags on the floor.

"That's Adam's!" She called, pointing at the bag as she run up the stairs with her change of clothes.

She quickly locked herself in the toilet, changing into a nice navy, silk dress with a tie up back.

She quickly chucked a white cardigan over the top, hiding the backless part of it to make it look slightly more casual for the dinner, reapplied some of her makeup and made sure her hair looked okay.

"Please tell me Adam's not here yet!" She ran down the stairs and into the kitchen where Jonny was receiving chores from Jackie to make sure the house looked as nice as possible.

"Not yet darling, you look beautiful!" Jackie exclaimed, giving her a quick hug.

"Oh thank you! You look lovely too Aunt Jack."

Jonny snapped himself out of staring just before Violet noticed, his mind racing with a million different thoughts;

'She looks gorgeous.'
'Why did she have a bag of Adam's clothes?'
'Did anything happen when they went out last week?'
'Would anything of happened between us if I went?'

His thoughts were cut off by Violet snapping her fingers in his face, smiling but still looking slightly concerned.

"You alright Pissface? Thought you'd have been excited given what tonight is."

She gave a massive grin, ignoring the butterflies she felt when he grinned back.

"Oh I am, C'mon we've gotta get everything sorted!" He grabbed her by the arm pulling her into the dining room, the making sure the table was laid to perfection.

It was finally the night. Tanya Green was coming over for dinner.

They were putting her opposite Adam as if it were a proper date and instead of Violets usual spot when there was another guest (in between the boys) she was going in between Tanya and Martin; not only to make Tanya feel more comfortable as they were friends, but also to avoid Martin making as many detrimental blunders as possible.

Just as the two got back into the kitchen, they heard the front door rattle as Adam came in.


Jonny and Violet looked at each other in excitement, barely able to stand still.

"And so it begins." Jonny whispered shooting her a wink.

Martin rushed out the room holding two jugs, he was properly dressed up in a suit and tie (per Jackie's request) and has also been roped into making the house look nice.

Violet heard him snap at Adam for being in his way twice, once on his way to the dining room and once on his way back.

She stifled a laugh as Jonny made himself known, greeting Adam holding some flowers.

"Mum do you want the flowers on the table or the side?" He called through, purely to make Adam freak out, he already knew where they were going but Violet knew Adam would be squirming right now, with that, his dad's attire and the music playing, he knew something was happening and the suspense and confusion he felt was definitely going to be eating him up.

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