The Piano // Part One

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"Ow. Jonny!" Adam exclaimed as his younger brother yanked his hood over his head with force.

Violet giggled as she followed the two to the door.

"'Please Use Side Entrance'." She read the sign on the door, tilting her head in confusion.

"Ignore?" Jonny asked.

"Ignore." Adam confirmed, opening the front door.

"The carpet's been cleaned, the carpet's been cleaned!" Jackie yelled, sprinting through the hall at them, slamming the door in their faces.

"Don't ignore." Violet commented, raising her eyebrows at what she just witnessed.

"Hi, Dad."


"You alright Martin?"

The three greeted as they entered the kitchen through the side door.

"Oh, hello, bambinos." A shirtless Martin greeted, attempting to open a bin bag.

"Hot tonight isn't it?" Jonny smirked.

"Scorching." Martin sighed, rubbing his chest.

"Why didn't they read the sign?" Jackie called through, not realising the three were already in the house.

"Mum's a bit.." Adam made a bonkers gesture.

"You know what she's like where there's carpet involved." Martin rolled his eyes, "Frankenstein with bosoms."

The three chuckled as they headed to the hall, Jackie walking through the door at just the right time to stop them.

"Ah, ah, ah! Shoes off." She pointed at them, glaring as they huffed, obeying her orders.

Martin drew boobs over his chest with his hands before mimicking a zombie, calling back to his previous comment concerning Jackie, making the three chuckle.

"Come and have a look at the carpet." She told them once they'd finally obliged, taking them into the hall and gesturing at the floor, "Well?"

"It's definitely a carpet." Adam said sarcastically.

"Definitely a floor covering." Jonny matched his brother's tone.

"Oh! Look how clean it is!" Jackie exclaimed, gesturing to it.

"Oh!" Adam feigned excitement as he leaned forward as if inspecting the carpet.

"That is clean." Jonny continued, mimicking Adam's actions.

"Isn't it?" Adam responded.

"Very white." Violet continued, matching the boys tone and actions.

"Oh, you're horrible." Jackie sighed rushing back into the kitchen as the three grinned at eachother, "And it's my night off tonight."

"Oh, yeah, so what we doing?" Adam asked as the three took off their coats, chucking them over the chairs.

"Dad's not cooking is he?" Jonny questioned, his face morphing into one of horror as he remembered Martin's disastrous birthday meal for Adam.

"Yes, I'm making roast dustbin." Martin joked, beginning to chuckle before cutting himself off with a sneeze.

"Oh, lovely." Jackie grimaced.

"Bless you." Adam sighed.

"We're going for Chinese." Jackie told them.

"Skill." Jonny danced across the kitchen as Violet laughed at him.

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