The Wedding // Part One

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Violet checked her phone once more to see if Jonny had responded to her, sighing when she noticed he hadn't.

Him and Adam had been tasked with taking Nelly to the Goodman's house so she could get ready for the wedding, Jonny promising to give updates about what was going on; but so far he'd not been great at keeping his word.

Val's voice rang through the house as she spoke to Jackie down the phone. Violet made an attempt to tune her out, dousing her hair with hairspray so the curls she had done wouldn't drop.

Nelly had asked her to be a bridesmaid, giving her a gorgeous shimmery taupe dress for the occasion. Violet had done her makeup to match, doing a gorgeous brown and bronze smokey eye paired with a pinkish nude lipstick and gloss.

She'd curled her hair, twisting some pieces into a half up half down style, leaving a few strands of hair at the front to frame her face.

She wasn't wearing her dress yet, planning to get changed into it at the Goodman's as her mum was doing Nelly's makeup.

"Are you ready love?" Val hollered up the stairs.

"Yeah! Coming now!" Violet yelled back, grabbing her dress and the bag filled with her shoes and accessories, grinning when her phone beeped.

'Grandma's being a nutcase, she's so nervous that she made me and Adam stop the car twice in a ten minute drive so she could have a wee.'

Jonny's message read.

'God she's gonna get arrested for flashing before the wedding even starts'

Violet replied, grinning as she did so.

"What are you all smiley about?" Val asked accusingly as Violet made her way over to the front door, where her mum was stood waiting.

"Nothing." Violet rolled her eyes.

"Oh is it Thomas!" Val squealed, clapping her hands together in excitement.

Violet suppressed a groan, the fake boyfriend she'd invented. Her and Jonny had been dating for about six months now, however, they had still not told their families.

"I don't understand why you didn't invite him to the wedding." Val huffed as her and Violet made their way over to the woman's car.

"Well it's not a good wedding is it?" Violet reminded her mum.

Val was well aware of how awful Mr Morris was from Violet and Jackie's constant complaints and stress over the wedding.

Val shrugged in agreement, double checking she had everything before driving to the Goodman's. She was already dressed, the only things she had to remember being her makeup for Nelly and her wedding headband, both on full display in the back seat.

Violet checked her phone once more, pleased when she saw Jonny had replied.

'Surprised she didn't, one of the times she went it was behind a far too low bush.'

Violet suppressed a smile as she read it, she was concerned for Nelly no doubt, but Jonny just had a way of always making her laugh, forgetting any other feelings swirling around in her mind.

'She's also downing sherry - gonna be a great wedding!'

The sarcasm was seeping through the message, Violet raising her eyebrows as she read that Nelly was drinking - it was only 10am.

'Well I'll see if for myself soon enough, nearly there xx'

Violet put her phone down, tuning back in to whatever her Mum had been yapping about, not wanting to draw her Mum's attention back to the messages she was receiving from 'Thomas'.

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