The Dress // Part Two

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Violet rolled her eyes, her mum helping do up her dress as she heard Jackie down in the garden telling the boys and Martin that Val was ready.

She stifled a laugh as she heard Adam's unenthused "Great!", but it quickly dropped when she heard Jackie also mention that she was nearly ready too.

Violet had been hoping that she could show Jackie and get it over and done with, but now she knew it was going to be much more of an ordeal, especially with her mum involved.

Val went down to show her dress off first, Violet staying upstairs for a bit longer, trying to pull the dress up a bit more over her boobs.

It was pretty, she supposed. It was black, her mum not allowing her to get any other colour as they were meant to be sat together for the ceremony and her dress was red. Val couldn't have anyone looking at Violet instead of her.

The top was similar to a corset, hence why she had to get help doing it up, it was like a million bra straps one after the other. The sides of it were see through, showing off a mild amount of side boob her mother hadn't failed to mention when she had first gotten the dress back from alterations.

The bottom flowed out slightly, having multiple mesh layers, some of slightly different lengths, cut slightly diagonally in a wave so they layered nicely on top of one another.

Her mum had made her put on the heels with the dress, big chunky black platforms, upping her height massively. She couldn't wait to stand next to Adam in these, she'd tower over him. The same couldn't be said for Jonny, much to her annoyance he'd still tower over her.

Taking a deep breath, she sighed before heading downstairs to the living room where everyone had gathered.

She had made it to the doorway just in time for Martin to tell Val, "It's much nicer than Jackie's." referring to her dress.

"Oh and look!" Val dragged Violet into the middle of the room, showing her off.

"That's gorgeous!" Jackie gasped, Violet smiling awkwardly in return.

"Pissface, stop staring." Adam whispered, hiding his grin.

"I'm not staring!" Jonny whispered back, finally taking his eyes off of Violet to look at Adam.

"Really? Because I watched your jaw actually drop when she walked in." Adam responded, finally unable to hide his smug look only reserved for those two.

"Boys? Isn't Violets dress lovely!" Jackie exclaimed, cutting the boys conversation short. "I mean doesn't she look beautiful!"

"Yep." Adam agreed, Jonny staying silent as he looked at her for just a moment too long, before looking away and agreeing too.

"It is a pretty dress." Val smiled, playing with the skirt on it. "Not as pretty as mine though." She gave Violet a fake smile.

"Thanks mum." Violet rolled her eyes, this had been a constant thing ever since the two had started looking for dresses, not to mention when they'd decided on hair and makeup.

"Oh Jackie, I just can't tell you how I feel at this minute," Val's voice wobbled as she made her way over to the sofa, sitting down next to Jonny before bursting into tears, leaning against him for support.

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