The Birthday

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"Happy birthday Pusface!" Violet exclaimed, sneaking up behind Adam and giving him a big hug.

"Thanks Pest." He grinned, turning around to give her a proper hug back.

Violet ordered her drink at the bar, refusing to let Adam pay for his own, insisting to pay for it to honour his birthday.

They hadn't gone to the Goodman's local, instead they'd gone into central London to do a mass pub crawl.

"I'm sorry I couldn't come to your birthday dinner." Violet frowned, sipping her drink, "I did want to! Stupid work."

"It's fine this makes up for it," Adam replied, leading the two to a table in the corner, "It was very eventful to say the least."

"Oh do tell!" Violet sat down, leaning forward, eager to hear what disaster the latest Friday night dinner had turned out to be.

"Well saw bitchface."

"You saw Sheila Bloom?" Violet asked, gasping when Adam nodded, "In her stupid Mercedes?"

"Dad crashed his car into said Mercedes."

Violet laughed at the thought of bitchface's reaction, she was sure the real thing was much better but her imagination was doing just fine.

"We ended up having to go out for a chinese because dad tried to cook." Adam continued, nodding in agreement at Violet's disgusted face, "And Grandma ended up getting locked outside in a bikini."

"That sounds brilliant." Violet laughed, "I'm even more sad I couldn't come now!"

"It's fine," Adam waved his hand dismissively, "but you did miss me and Jonny laughing at bitchface's mum dying."


"She kept mentioning her Mercedes we couldn't help it!" Adam defended as Violet started laughing again.

"No Pissface?" Adam asked, he couldn't tell yet whether he wanted his brother to come or not, all he knew is Violet messaged him making plans since she couldn't come to his birthday dinner and he obliged.

"Nah," she sighed, "He's working." She rolled her eyes, it was so unlike Jonny to not go on a night out because of work.

"But it's Saturday?" Adam frowned, taking a massive gulp of his drink.

"He's tryna get a promotion I think? God knows how he's doing that he only got that job a few months ago." Violet shrugged.

"Maybe if he gets it though he can help me find a shitty flat to live in so I can finally move out."

She chugged the rest of her drink, as Adam made a snarky comment about Jonny probably being shit at his job.

She ignored his comment, instead encouraging to finish his drink.

"Next pub?" She asked, grinning as Adam downed the rest of his pint.

"Next pub."


Fourteen pubs later, the two were stumbling around the streets of London, contemplating whether to go clubbing or not.

It was only half 11 but the two were wankered, laughing at anything and everything.

"I'm 26! I'm not going clubbing!" Adam slurred, putting his arms up as he did so.

"Boo!" Violet frowned, "God you're old!"

"Only three years older than you!"

The two sat down on a random bench, Violet snapping a quick photo. It was probably horrendous, the two could barely sit up, but it would be funny to look back on none the less.

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