The Jingle // Part Two

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With Adam being upstairs looking at girls on the internet with Martin, Jonny and Violet used it as another excuse to message him from Jackie's phone. This time it was 'You were a failed abortion. Love Mum x'.

Violet came in the room just in time to see Adam groan and put his phone away, whilst Martin was clicking on the computer looking very confused.

"What are you doing in here?" Adam whined.

"Thought you might want a female perspective whilst you look at females with your dad!" she smirked, leaning against the wall.

"That's a man," Adam sighed, pointing at the computer, making Violet have to stifle a laugh. "Your on men now!"

"Yes, all right!" Martin responded, Violet moving over to lean on the desk next to him.

"Awh what Pusface, your telling me that's not your type?" She pointed to an old man on the screen earning a disapproving glare from Adam.

"Still on men! Dad sport jocks 69 please!"

"Found a husband yet?" Jonny jogged in, putting his crumble on the desk, leaning in next to Violet, putting on arm over her back onto Martin's chair.

"Any news on the uh..." Jonny faked a cough, "Three penises?"

"Adam! Women!" Martin exclaimed, drawing everyone's attention back to the computer screen.

"Oh look how old they are, your meant to be finding me someone to go on a date with, not bury!" Adam complained.

"Wow so no men and no cougars, you really are picky," Violet shook her head in fake disappointment as Adam groaned again.

"What about her?" Martin asked sitting up straighter, showing the three the lady in the ad for the website.

"Oo she is nice!" Jonny winked at Adam.

"Dad shes just the advert for the site, she's not real."

"You what?"

"She's. Not. Real."

"Well she looks pretty real to me." Martin raised his eyebrows with each syllable, putting on what the family knew as his 'pimp voice', chuckling before going into a coughing fit.

Jonny and Violets once grinning faces at Adam's pain turned to concern and confusion as they each looked at one another before being interrupted by Jackie yelling up the stairs.

"Adam when's your jingle thing on?"

"Oh my god uh, what time is it?" Adam peered over at the computer, "Shit it's on any minute! Coming!"

He ran out the room, no one following as Jonny picked up his crumble and Violet took over scrolling through the website, Martin leaning back in his chair, still looking utterly confused.

Adam ran back in the room just in time to hear Jonny's insult, steal £20 from Martin's wallet and then smear cream on Jonny's face, flinging some at Violet too before running back out again.

Jonny wiped his face in disgust as Violet stood up properly, shaking her hand from where a bit had gotten on there.

"You look like you've been given a facial." she muttered as she passed Jonny,

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