The Pyjamas // Part Two

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After Jim had left, the family (but Martin) came back in, Adam returning to his food as Jonny updated Violet on Jim passing his driving test.

"And is Lord Bubbins planning on finishing his evening meal some time this century?" Jonny scoffed.

Him, Martin and Violet had been done for a while and Jackie hadn't even had any food, whereas Adam still had a massive pile on his plate.

"How that man passed his test!" Martin scoffed, coming back into the room, "He couldn't even remember what the steering wheel was for!"

Jonny took a swig of his water as Martin complained, his face immediately crumpling up.

"Oh, no! What is in my mouth?" He grimaced.

"What do you think is in your mouth?" Adam smirked.

"Boys." Jackie reprimanded.

"Oh, my God!" Jonny spat, spraying his water over Adam, immediately going to grab his napkin to wipe his tongue clean.

"Oh! Jonathan!" Jackie gasped.

"Toenails?" Violet asked, holding up Jonny's glass, still seeing a few floating around, "That's disgusting!"

"I can't believe you, Jonathan!" Jackie scolded.

"Me?!" Jonny exclaimed as Martin chuckled.

"It's not funny, Martin! Oh, look, he's all wet!"

"I'm all wet." Adam pouted.

"Gone right through to his chest!" Jackie grumbled at Jonny, dabbing Adam's chest to try and dry it.

"I don't believe this." Jonny said, looking at his mum in shock.

"Believe it!" Martin stated.

"What is wrong with you tonight? Can you just calm down?" Jackie snapped at Jonny.

"Me calm down?"

"Why don't you go upstairs and put your pyjamas on?" Jackie suggested.

"Put my pyjamas on?" Jonny raised his eyebrows at his mum.

"Yes. You and V both should, it'll calm you down."

"Go on, Pissface, Pest. Put your pyjamas on." Adam gave them both a smug grin.

"Shut up!" Violet scorned, looking at the boy in distain.

"Why would I want to put my pyjamas on?" Jonny shook his head.

"Because you'll be all nice and cosy." Jackie explained.

"I don't want to be nice and cosy!" Jonny exclaimed, his temper rising.

"Oh, my three little babies in their pyjamas!" Jackie cooed.

"Can I put my pyjamas on?" Martin asked.

"Go and take the glasses back to my mother!" Jackie ordered, her voice becoming harsher as she spoke to Martin.

"Oh, shit-head shit!" Martin shouted, earning a few raised eyebrows.

"Oh, go on, Jonny-boo. Do it for Mummy."

"Mum!" Jonny objected.

"Oh, V? Come on do it for Auntie Jack-Jack."

"Christ." Violet sighed at the mention of the name she used to call Jackie back when she was a kid.

"Jonny-boo!" Jackie cooed, pouting slightly at the boy as she put on a baby voice, "V!"

"Jonny-boo. V." Adam teased, his tone matching his mum's.

"OK. That's it. We're getting out of here." Jonny stated, getting up, being in such a hurry that he left his suit jacket on the chair, Violet following suit, her too leaving her cardigan behind.

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