Ch 11

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The night was long and quiet, inside the room the girls head was slightly bend as she looked outside the window.

Her arms were resting on the window sill, while her hair was tied up in a bun.

She held a coffee mug on her right hand. After sometime there came a long sigh, then turning around she went inside.

The next day everyone was gather in the office. Bambam's head was looking at the laptop in front of him, while Mingyu was reporting something to Jungkook.

Looking at her Jungkook called her in his raspy voice.

" Lisa come here".

Lisa walked up to him after listening to him calling her.

" What do you think till these far about the case".

Taking the maker she slowly  walked up to the white board then spoke

" As a serial killer, if I put myself into his position, what would have been my thought, I must not be an commoner, so that people might not be suspicious about me .I might have a car but not a expensive one, so not be get unnoticed .

I should have some  degree of education to mingle well with the commoner around me, As I walk through the crowds no one suspect me".

Then Lisa looked at them once then continued " As I told before he might have some seat back in his life or he might have some bad relations with his girlfriend or  other person, that may have effect him mentally.

He might not be someone wealthy, it is very obious . Now the point is what is his plan and as we saw the girls are not related.

Then he might have some other motive, but the question remains is why did he choose to copy some one else. Mostly they have their own way of handling things but he choose to copy.

These can also relate that he might know Kai from the past or he is just doing these cause he wantus to go in other direction while he plan everything,


I think we should go through the case file from two years back and ask Kai some question".

After finishing telling she looked at Jungkook and for a split second their eyes meet. But lisa removed her gaze first.

Jungkook stood up these time and walked to the white board where lisa was. His body was muscular and gave off masculine scent when stand near him.

His gaze was so intense that one could burn from them. Not to disagree he was handsome, with his one hand inside his pocket while the other was twirling a cigarette between his finger.

.He did not lit it cause , they were still inside office.

" What you say is true but were are not sure that he is related to Kai cause the news was all over and it is not abnormal to not know about it and use it to frame others.

But still there are two people doing these, second one might be just doing to vent his anger and as you told lets go to Kai for some talk."

Jungkook knew something was amiss with Kai and knowing it know he felt what went wrong earlier.

How could he miss something these important. After the case ended two years there was an urgent case and he had to rush and did not get to talk to Kai .

It was after two years it striked him that it was something may or may not related to Kai.

He has not got the time to interogate him and was immersed in other case.

" Mingyu you and Bambam will go and check the other shops for the information of the bullet shell, and Lisa and I will go to the other city to talk to kai".

He did not know why but he choose Lisa out of them but one thing he was sure was that he can trust her.

The case before occurred in a different province while these was different and Kai was detained in jail in that province, so they had to travel to the other city.

If they went tomorrow then most probably they would be able to come back before Monday , if nothing else occur .

They have still time left and they had already inform it to their head about their plan .

There was some work left , they finished it fast by evening . So, without wasting time both went to pack some stuff though they did not need much stuff, but still they need to pack some important things.

They are going to take a flight and Jungkook was waiting in the waiting lounge of the airport for Lisa.

It was after twenty minutes that he called her

" Where are you , how much time you need?" .

"What time? the flight is still one hour later, I will come don't worry".

Lisa spoke casually on the other line, " I am not worrying don't think much, why you girls take so much time?"

He said while sighing but still had a small smile on his face.

" heyy, what all girls? We need to pack some private things and how much time I took you say, you men are all the same not us"

she shouted angrily on the other end and without his reply hung up the phone.

Jungkook went silent then gave a low chuckle, his one hand was holding his phone while the other was on his knees.

while he leaned back on his seat.After half an hour Lisa arrived with her luggage.

She was having a suitcase while Jungkook was having a black side  bag. Lisa did not noticed him at first but after Jungkook called her , she noticed him.

She dragged her suitcase and went towards him.

" What so much things you need for just two days"

Jungkook spoke while eyeing her luggage. She did not reply him and continued walking forward without waiting for him.

He just heard her spoke in a low voice when she pass by his side

" a fucking bastard". He turned around shook his head slightly and ran up to catch up with her.


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