A friend not a dopple

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(Art by me, an what Oliver looks like)

(Oliver's POV)

I was walking home from school with my sister Anastacha. Yes it was a quiet walk, as none of us really had anything to talk about.

An not because we had a dislike for eachother, in fact if I ever got bullied for my two different color eyes she would risk getting detention to protect me. Which luckily I have never been in super hard trouble with other kids..but it could happen.

Dopples could also happen as well, just last week we had a dopple of Mia Stone with snail like eyes. It was gross, an it took the rest of the day for the DDD to sanitize everything.

But still, we walk silently. My grip on my backpack strap is tight, a sign of my anxiety of the public. But mostly for Dopples, the fear of getting attacked an no having a way to escape. Or call for help.

My sister notices an gently holds onto my hand, ignoring the sweatiness of my palm. I look up at her with my heterochromia eyes an she smiles softly. "It's Ok Oliver. no dopples are gonna be here, were safe" she speaks softly, an not her usual quiet ways.

"Oh..okay" I say as I hold onto her hand as we walk home to the sweet apartments. The travel isn't long, but it isn't exactly short. As we walk a person walks by us.

By the looks of it, it's Roman Stilinsky..but his face is distorted to look like the thumbprint or something. It is clearly a doppleganger, but Instead of attacking..it looks at both of us, but mostly on my different color eyes, then walks away.

Anastacha was about to throw hands with a dopple, but it just passed by. As if it thought we were also Dopples.

I just watched as if my anxiety prayers were answered I calm down a bit.

Sometime kids have made fun of me for my different colored eyes, some even call me a doppleganger for having my mother's eyes. But it seems the Dopples also believe I'm a dopple.

My sister just stays by my side as we continue walking to the apartments, holding my hand an just staying silent with me.

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