The last thing to do

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After our talk with Ashton, me and Mason went back to our little cottage.

Ashton decided, that it would be best if we'll put our plan in action during the next three days, because the full moon would be on its fullest at that time and would give us a bit more strength than we usually had.

And we could need this strength. I'd bet that Raymond already knows we're up to something and is gathering as much vampires of his coven as possible.

I'm still a bit amazed that neither mine nor Mason's pack had been attacked by Raymond's vampires while we were away.

Our packs are weaker because of our absence, therefore I was kind of expecting an attack to happen.

But strangely, everything was fine and going its usual way.

Also, I can't help but wonder that there's more needed than a dagger to eliminate the whole vampire species by killing its first being.

On the other hand, if it was true, I would expect the other vampire covens to do at least something to prevent their race to be eliminated. But how it seems like, they either don't care, don't know about it, or there's something we don't know yet, which could ruin our plan.

Either way, I decided to do everything to get my revenge on Raymond and that means I'll do everything to accomplish what we planned.

But for today, I wanted it to be only Mason and I. He was still furious and also worried about the plan Ashton came up with.

Partly, I could understand him. I was also a bit worried about everything going on at the moment.

I also knew that this would probably, and finally be the end. We suffered so long because of this sick bastard Raymond and this was our chance to finally live normally, without Raymond constantly breathing down our necks.

It's also our chance, for me and Mason, to finally live together, to start an actual relationship.

During all these weeks we got to know each other and our wolves chose the other as their choice mate. We could finally mark each other and start to build a life together.

That is, if everything goes as planned.

"Are you finished?" I asked Mason who was currently beating the shit out of a tree to let his anger out.

He threw two more punches at the tree until it finally fell to the ground and took a deep breath. "Now I am."

"Good. Now go, take a shower my little caveman." I said, pushing him towards the terrace.

He grunted. "You, out of all people should know that nothing about me is 'little'." He said smirking and stopped walking.

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Yeah, sure. Now go, you smell more disgusting than vampires."

He growled at that before he suddenly smirked and pulled me by my waist against him. "Only if you'll join me."

I put my hands on his chest and scrunched my face in fake-disgust.

"No, not until you don't look and especially don't smell like a caveman anymore."

He huffed and tightened his grip. "Fine, but you'll have to make up for it."

I smirked. "Don't worry, I will. This day will only be about you and me."

He gave me a tentative kiss before walking back inside the cottage to take a much needed shower.

I sighed and looked at the mess Mason made.

"What a Wild animal..." I mumbled and also walked back into the cottage to make something to eat for the both of us.

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