Baby Girl

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Everything was black.

I didn't know if being dead was just black nothingness but it certainly felt so.

At least I thought so.

I couldn't see my own body or any other things like the dead ones sometimes did in movies, their souls creeping around their beloved.

But I didn't see a bright light or the moon goddess either.

It was strange.

On the one hand I could only see black and everything around me was mute, on the other hand, I kept reliving memories from my childhood up to the day in Raymond's castle. Also, I could sometimes hear familiar voices, apparently talking to me. Though I couldn't recognize them, one voice brought me such calmness and peace that nothing else mattered. Every time I heard that voice, only good memories, too fast for me to observe, played in front of me.

Therefore I wasn't really sure if I was dead or not.

I could still hear my thoughts but I could not move any muscle in my body. Apparently I could still hear but nothing but what I've already seen played in front of my closed eyes.

"Mia, my Love," there was that voice again, though very distant but oh so wonderful. "You have to fight it. I know you can do it..."
It encouraged me.

Fighting? Against what?

"Mason, you should give up. She won't wake up. It has already destroyed her from the inside. It's just a matter of days now." Another voice said.

Wait a moment...

Mason was here?!

"No, she will wake up! I know it!"
The calming voice said again but much more clearer than before.

"Come on, Mia, open your beautiful eyes." The voice told me and something very strange happened. All of a sudden I could feel somebody touching my right hand, creating a warmth and small, blissful electricity. "Her heart's beating faster..." I heard the deep, melodic voice say breathlessly and recognized it as Masons. "Mia, Darling, open your eyes."

Suddenly, I could feel my wolf again, giving me the strength I so badly needed at the moment.
I tried with all of it to open my eyes, but failed.

Come on, you're stronger than that! - I told myself and was amazed when my eyelids finally listened to me.

At first I could only see bright light and groaned because of the sudden pain it caused inside my head. But after some time I got used to it and spotted my beloved mate beside me, sitting on a chair and holding my hand with his beautiful smile gracing his face.

"Mia..." His eyes widened and shone with happiness while a lone tear rolled down his cheek.

I smiled at him, mustering him from head to toe.
It felt like I hadn't seen him for ages, his image being everything I seemed to long for. "Mason..." I whispered almost inaudibly and saw his smile widening.

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