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After Mason went, I decided to get serious again and not this lovey dovey like before he left. I mean, I'm an Alpha, Alpha's don't go and show their emotions to everyone out there. But I just couldn't keep my smile off of my face. This night, was clearly one of the best since the death of Brandon. What still makes me curious is, that nobody found his body, everybody just declared him for dead and that they saw how a rogue killed him. I searched for him, not wanting to accept his death, but after a couple of months where I hadn't found his scent anywhere, I gave up and started to follow my duties as the new Alpha to distract me. But I don't want to start with this again, that was long ago and I accepted it. I could live again because of Mason, he gave me that feeling of being safe, loved and free, but I still don't know what we really are or what this is between us.

I sighed.

Nevertheless, I have to go to work again and follow my duties. So I exited my room and went outside towards the forest to think a bit and to have a view of the surroundings and if there were vampires or any rogues. I didn't mention it to Mason or anybody else, but I knew the leader of the Vampire unions, the one who created the vampire race altogether. I went to talk to him about the incidents which his vampires caused, but he didn't take me serious and said that it won't happen again. Since then, five other incidents caused by vampires happened and I got sick of those creatures. I just wanted them either to stop crossing my territory and hurting people or them being dead, well, they are dead, but you know what I mean. But since I spoke with the leader, Raymond, he's kind of obsessed with me.  I saw him spying on me several times but never did anything, only watching me in the dark or while I was sleeping. How he came inside my house was still a miracle to me, but it's just scary. But because he didn't do any harm to anybody, I couldn't do anything to keep him away. I learned to just ignore him, but in times like this, I wished he would just appear so that I had a chance to kill him. Yes, my plan was to kill him, because if he dies, every other vampire will die too, and the problems would vanish. But he just hides himself so that I'm usually not seeing Raymond, and because of this, I can't get near him without going to his mansion, and I did go there, but it helped nothing, to my dismay.

I walked through the paths and passed lots of trees. It was beautiful here. I walked further until I heard a noise behind me. I quickly turned around to see nobody there, but I knew that somebody was there, somebody very vampire-like.

''Come out Raymond! I know you're here!'' I shouted demandingly, knowing that he heard me even if he'd be miles away now. I waited until I saw a shadow to my right, and Raymond appeared.

''Missed me already?'' He said.

''Well, no. I just knew you'd be here and wanted to talk to you about your little vampires crossing werewolf territories and killing innocent humans.'' I told him coldly.

''That really hurt Mia. Besides, I may be the leader from all of them but I don't know what they're doing the whole time, I got better to do than to have a look on every single one, you know?!''  He replied.

''Like spying on me?!''

''For example.'' Raymond said smirking.

''You're sick, you know that?!''

''And you're a beauty, you know that?'' He responded. Sick bastard!

''Sure I know. And you should know that you should keep your vampires in control or else I won't hesitate to kill everyone who's crossing my territory! I'll say it the last time! If I see any, and I mean ANY Vampire of yours only near my borders, I'll come to your mansion and kill every vampire myself. Understood?!'' I told him standing now face to face with him.

He only let out a low chuckle coming down my height.

''You're NOT talking to me like that! And please, go ahead! You can't kill everyone of us! There'll always be at least one transforming new vampires. Our species won't die out!'' He said smirking.

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