Too much

413 17 4

He just left...

He didn't say much more but these few words before he jumped out of the window and into the forest.

And I was standing there, with tears in my eyes and completely confused because of this whole situation I was in now.

The knowledge of never seeing Brandon again, of Raymond being still out there is just terrifying.

Brandon is right, fate is such a bitch sometimes. 

Another knock on the door caught my attention and I quickly moved my hands to my cheeks to hide the tears.



"Are you okay? " Mason asked concerned.

"Have you heard everything? " I asked him.

"Well...most of it." Mason answered, scratching his neck. "Are you okay? " he asked again.

I shaked my head. "No." I said eventually releasing the tears I tried to hold back. " Nothing is okay! Brandon is gone and...and probably won't come back. Ever . And then there's still Raymond out there probably trying to kill me once again and then...There...there is still us. We haven't figured out what we are at the moment..." I told him while getting a full break down.

"Sh...Mia, calm down!  Don't worry okay. We'll figure everything out together.  What we are. And how we will go on with Raymond and Brandon..." he sighed. "Brandon is gone. You accepted it once, you can do it again."  He stated calmly.

My sadness transformed into anger. "I can do it again?! How would You react if you would've seen your actual mate again?! Tell me! What would you've done if you had just gotten her back only to know that she would be gone again in the near future?! Tell me, could You forget?! Could you just forget her and go on with your life like nothing happened like you're expecting me  to do it?!"

Mason didn't say anything.  He wanted to say something,  but closed his mouth before any words could escape.  "See. So don't tell me what I have to do okay! I may be your choice mate, but I didn't accept you yet nor did I allow you to tell me what to do. Understand? !"   I asked, calming down a bit.

Mason just nodded and kept quiet. And that was my sign to go.  I went out of the room and eventually out of the pack house and into the forest. I shifted into my wolf and let her take over the control of our body. I just ran and ran until my legs would give up underneath me.

I stopped at a clearing, watching the sun set and the wind blowing through my white fur. I wasn't far away from Mason's pack house, only a few miles.

It was just too much. I'm a strong person and can stand lots of things,  but those things all at ones are too much for me. I needed some time for myself, to think and to come clear with the whole Brandon /Raymond / Mason thing.  I'm not normally in those feeling conflicts.  It's either the opposite. Well, you know my cold hearted and feeling less past up to now I assume so...

I sighed.

I'd have to go back either way. For one, my pack members would come soon and two, Mason.

After the sun was set completely,  I chose to go back to the pack house.  I can't run away from my problems , so why trying?

When I arrived at the pack house, I silently jumped, through my open room window,  in my wolf form to land inside the house and to not walk completely naked across the entrance.

I took a shower and changed into some shorts and a top, not caring how I was dressed right now and followed the male voices I heard from downstairs.

At the end of the stairs were many male members of Mason's and my pack. Wait a pack?!

I loudly cleared my throat and switched the attention towards myself.

"Can anybody please tell me why this entrance is full of males not only from this but also from my pack?!" I openly asked. ( just imagine I would've chosen to walk through the entrance a few minutes ago...0.o)

"Well, this my dear Alpha, is an audience. " Mason raised his voice.

"So much I can see. But why?" I asked still a bit confused.

" Alpha Mason wanted to talk to us  about a union between our and his pack." My beta stated.

"WHAT?!" I yelled, clearly annoyed at Mason's dump action.

Every talk froze and the whole packs were looking at me, shocked and also a bit fearful of what I'd be doing next.

I stomped down from the last few steps of the staircase and towards Mason, and stopped only two inches in front of him.

"Everybody.  Leave." Were my words, and everybody did as they were told and the room , which was a minute ago quite full, was now empty, except for me and Mason. I watched him deadly in his eyes which looked not even slightly scared or surprised by my actions.

When nobody was in hear reach anymore,  I began my speech.

"Are you completely and utterly dumb now?!" I said through gritted teeth. "What in gods sake did you think to arrange something like this?! A union?! Seriously?!" I yelled in his face and waa furious. He, on the other side, just stood there and smirked like always.  "And could you stop smirking before I make you?!"

"First of all," he started, "I won't stop smirking either of you want or not. And secondly, " he continued,  "why are you so damn furious about what I did? I told you that I want you all to myself and that I will find something with which we can erase at least the problems between us." He stated and therefore leaved me speechless.

"What...are you serious? !"

"Of course I am. I even already asked your  pack if that would be a problem for them, but because our territories are next to each other, and your and my packs are on good terms with each other,  they said there wouldn't be any problem. " Mason told me proudly.

"But...What's about our beta's and gamma's and about us- Alpha's?!" I asked perplexed.

He chuckled.  "Nothing will change,  except that we united our territories. Everything will be like before except that our pack members can choose theirselves on which territory they want to live."

"That's it?" I asked just to make sure he wasn't about to say anything else.

"Yeah...that's it...and of course the fact,  that we could live together. " Mason said smiling.

"You're clever." I stated.

"I know." He answered with a smirk on his lips." That problem would be out of the way now, but what's with us?" I asked him,  feeling his arms sneaking around my waist.

"You love me, don't you? " he asked which I replied with a silent nod. "And I love you. So, what's the problem?" Mason asked smiling.

I also smiled, with still having some doubts about his action and put my arms around his neck in order to kiss him.

We heard lots of "Awwwww's" around us, abd when we released from the kiss, both of our packs surrounded us and cheered. "That sounds like a Partey!!" One pack member shouted and the others cheered again, making Mason and me cheering too.

"Let's party!" Mason screamed  and  we all headed towards the backyard.

Hello my lovely readers! I'm sorry that I didn't update for almost a month! I'm in the hospital at the moment but I wanted to update.  Therefore,  if this chapter is a bit short, I'm really sorry but I hoped you liked it either way :)

Mia has so much in her mind at the moment.  But I think now that Mason did this "stunt" on her, she'll be happy,  at least for a while. :D

Anyways,  I'd be pleased to see you Vote & Comment :-)

Love ya! ♡

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