The End?!

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When the door suddenly opened,I secretly hoped that it would be Mason, who would come to safe me. But sadly it wasn't him. It was another of Raymonds vampire-slaves, which made my hope even more fade.

''Master, we have a problem! Werewolves got inside our mansion. A whole pack, may I say.'' The vampire-slave said.

Raymond only gave a deep and angry groan as a reply and thankfully released Brandon from his tight grip and mumbeled anything under his breath, something like ''Then we have to start plan B'' or such.

''I want you to tie up the male werewolf and bring him away from here.'' Raymond told the other vampire who did so as he was told.

Brandon had no strength to defend himself. He was probably drugged with vervain for most of the time he was locked here. He couldn't even move an inch, which made me even sadder because I could do nothing to stop Raymond from taking him away. I just stood there and watched how the vampire slave tied him up and brought him out of the underground cells.

I wanted to scream, to tell him to stop.But I kept silent, and only watched how Brandon's body was moving out of my sight.

''Are you happy now?!'' I asked Raymond with not even the slightest emotions in my voice. ''Are you happy that you keep torturing me with every medium you could get to hurt me?!'' I continued flat.

He smirked.

''Oh my little Mia, don't go there. I assume you already know why I'm doing this,besides, yes I am happy. I at least was, until your disgusting kind showed up with their pack and ruined my plan.'' Raymond answered comming directly in front of my cell.

'', I'm here since I don't know how long, and I still not know why, that's for once. And twice, I have nothing to do with this pack attack! And if you would think through this, you would know that I was most of the time I was here blanked out and couldn't move anything and especially couldn't contact my pack members!'' I told him.

He just laughed.

''Okay, the second statement may be true. But the first one isn't. Have you forgotten what you've done to my wife?!'' He said getting angrier.

I couldn't remember anything about his wife, or that he even had one.

He laughed humourlessly.

''Of course not. Then I will remind you of what you've done!'' He stated angrily.

''Can you remind youself of the day , almost three years ago when the second war from our both kinds took place? It was only six months after the first one, when I kidnapped your mate and you became the new Alpha?!'' He continued and the memorys were burning inside my head all over again. It was the second war between the wolves , especially my pack, and the clan of Raymond. At this time nothing but revenge mattered to me.

''Well, on this day you led your pack into war. Everywhere was blood and screaming and growling. My wife was also there on this day. I told her to stay here, but she refused to let others fight a war which also included her as well. So she came with us, against my will. I tried to protect her and shoved her behind me, when you started your attack against me.'' Raymond explained like in trance. '' I knew that you would know me as one of the kind who killed your mate. You didn't care who of us would pay for his death, you just wanted revenge, which was understandable. Right in the moment when you wanted to attack me, my wife jumped from behind me and against you to stop you from hurting me in any way. She was so stupid to think that she would be stronger than an Alpha werwolf. She just wanted to protect me. You showed no mercy, you were like as if you would be in trance and just wanted to kill anybody who came into your way. You pinned her underneath you. She couldn't defend herself against you. I got furious and was about to rip you in shreds and defend my wife. But when I arrived at the spot you both were, it was too late. You already ripped her head off and started to kill others of my kind.'' Raymond told me certainly but hurtful.

And while he told me the story of the day, I rembered everything again. I remembered that I was furious and tried to kill every vampire who dared to hurt my pack or could possibly be responsible for my mates death. And I also remembered that I killed a woman who stopped me from killing Raymond.

A little guilt overcame me, but I knew that you couldn't go back in time and stop the actions to happen. I also didn't want to, because I obviously did the same to him as I thought he did to me.

I stood there still and didn't say anything.

''Aaah, you obviously remind of what I'm talking about. So, now you could imagine how happy I am to torture you and have you here. You possibly imagine what I'll do with your ''not yet'' dead mate, Brandon. And I could tell you. But I think it would be a bigger torture to let you die not knowing what will happen with him. And a bigger satisfication for me.'' Raymond said smirking and showed me the other cells which alll were full of wood and straw.

''You see this?'' He asked me pointing on the woods in the other cells . '' This will be the last thing you'll see.'' Raymond said and took out a lighter.

And that was the moment when I relized that he wants to burn this place down, with me inside it. My eyes widened and I tried with all my strength again to break through the grid, without succes.

I heard Raymond laughing and ignite the lighter.

''See you in hell, Mia!'' Were his last words when he let the lighter fall and went.

The wood and straws started burning in less than a second and it got hotter and hotter in here. The fire spread out now trhough almost every cell and I only saw the light of the fire through the smoke.

I caughed multiple times and tried to find a way out of here.

''Help me!! Please! Help me!!'' I screamed at the top of my lungs.

But nobody answered. The fire and the smoke got bigger and bigger, and I almost couldn't breathe anymore. I caughed, trying to save the last bit of oxygen which was in here, but I broke down on my knees, holding my throat.

''Please, Help me...'' I whispered while my surroundings slowly faded and everything went black.


Hello my lovely readers!

Did you expect this? Well, I didn't, and I'm the writer :P

Anyway, I hope you're as curious as me what'll happen next.

Is Mia dead?

Or will she live?

What do you think?

As ever, I hope you liked the story up to now :D

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