Breaking The Bond

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After Brandon left, I just stood there. Confused. Flattered. But I knew now that I had to stop this. Even though my wolf enjoyed Brandon touching us, she knew that she had chosen Mason as her new mate.

As her new other half. And I knew, that I, myself and not only my wolf was craving for Mason. And because of that I had to make a decision because these feelings will never disappear theirselves.

Brandon had surely still a place in my heart, but Mason owned it. And I knew that I had betrayed him with Brandon. It was just kissing, but it meant more to Brandon than only that.

He was sure that I'd come back to him, sooner or later, and that we could be mates like we were actually destined to be.

But I doubted that.

I couldn't just forget everything that had happened in the years he wasn't there. Couldn't forget the pain and the new responsibilities I've gone through.

....couldn't forget when I met Mason, and how he changed everything. How he changed me.

I had to break the bond!

That was the only way both of us could go on and nothing would connect us anymore. Yes, that'd be the best thing to do.


After the decision was made, I went back to the cottage and through the terrace door, inside our bedroom. I took a look towards the bed, but found it empty. I was wondering where Mason was, when the bedroom door opened.

" Where were you? !" Mason said sternly, only dressed in his boxers.

I sighed and thought about how I should explain everything that happened to Mason. And my decision.

"I have to talk to you. " I said still unsure of how to go on. "Please, let's sit." I said and took my jacket and shoes off before both of us sat down on the bed.

Mason kept quiet, waiting for me to speak. " I met Brandon again." I started, and Mason's posture stiffened. "He just appeared on the terrace and wanted to talk to me about something. So I led him to the lake, not wanting to wake you up." I continued, my voice a bit unsteady. "He told me that Raymond turned him into a hybrid. Half werewolf, half vampire. "

" What?!" Mason exclaimed with a shocked expression. "Yes. " I said certainly. " But that's not everything that happened. " I said, fidgeting with my nightshirt. "We...we also kissed. He told me that he'll get me back and that no one can ever get between us, because of the mate bond. That we'd always be connected to each other. " I said quietly and not daring to look Mason in his eyes. But when I took a glimpse of him, his jaw was tightly clenched and he balled his fists, trying to control himself. "And then?! What did you say?!" He said through clenched teeth.

I placed my hands on top of his balled fists, trying to calm him down. "I said nothing because he disappeared as quickly as he appeared." I explained with a calm voice, watching him. "But I made a decision. A decision, that'll be the best but also one of the most difficult in my life. " I told him certainly and honestly.

Mason got more nervous by the second awaiting my decision.

I smiled slightly. "I decided that I'd never leave you, that I'll love you more than I've ever loved him or anyone. Brandon will probably always have a place in my heart, but you own it. You own my heart, body and soul. You are my mate now." I explained lovingly while Mason's mouth went ajar, half smiling. "And that's the reason, why I chose to break the bond with Brandon, and let you mark me as yours." I finished.

A big baggage got lifted off my shoulders when I finally said the things which were in my mind. I smiled, happy that I made this decision. But also nervous about Mason's reaction.

But he just smiled brightly, obviously speechless.

I chuckled. " Please say something. " I pleaded.

And as an answer he just pulled me to him and kissed me tenderly. After he released from the kiss, he was still smiling and kissed me multiple times more. I chuckled and couldn't stop smiling either. "Are you really sure about that?" He asked.

"Yes!" I answered. "You know that this will probably hurt a lot because. .." I interrupted him with my lips on his. "Shut up! You can't change my decision. Besides, I want to fully belong to you, and only you." I stated smiling and hugged him tightly. "You'll be completely Mine. Forever! " Mason growled and I nodded smiling. " Forever! "

Unknown 's POV:

I was so close to them, and they didn't even noticed it. I heard Mia telling Mason about breaking the bond with Brandon. But that can't and won't happen! But it's good to know it, so that I can report the master of the change in decision. We obviously had to put out plan B, now that the precious Mia chose to work against us. And even Brandon obviously couldn't change her mind of being with Mason and that he'd be her "new mate". I scoffed. As if that would be possible. But I'll let them in their fairytale, even though it won't last long.

But I have to make sure that plan B will start before Mason's going to mark her. Otherwise everything would be useless and all the work too.

I assumed that Mason probably won't mark her right there and then so I ran in full speed towards the mansion of my master. My master who will make me a hybrid too.

When I arrived, the big wooden doors opened itself and I practically ran to the office of my master. I knocked two times and waited until I heard the words for my permission to walk in.

"Ah, my spie. You obviously have important news for me to dare to disturb me at such time of the day." He said, stopping to kiss the blond girl that was straddling him on his office chair.

" Yes, master I have." I stated, bowing my head in respect. "Mia chose to break the bond with Brandon, master."

"WHAT?!" He yelled angrily, pushing the girl off of him and standing up. "Y-yes, master. I heard her talking to Mason only a few minutes after her encounter with Brandon. He obviously couldn't change her mind." I said shakily, afraid of the power of the creature in front of me.

" BRANDON! " He yelled loudly and only two seconds later, Brandon appeared in the room.

"You called after me, master?" He asked, entering the room and standing beside me.

"We have to start plan B. You know what to do, don't you?!" The master asked demanding.

He nodded and repeated his task.

"I'll have to manipulate her. "


Are you confused now? What is their plan? Who's the master? And most importantly, what does plan B has to do with Mia's decision?...

Well you'll have to wait and continue reading to find out :P

I know I'm evil but...well^^

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See ya! ♡

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