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''I got you!'' A scary voice whispered into my ear, and I recognized that it was Raymond who caught me. With super speed ,he brought me back into the mansion and tied me up, with chains, this time. He brought me in another room, where no windows or anything but dark walls and a cold ground were.

''Did you really think that you could escape that easily?!'' Raymond said with amusement in his voice.

''Well, I almost got out of this shit here.'' I answered with a stern expression. ''And I won't stop until I'm out of here and you're dead!''

''We'll see.'' Raymond said and all of a sudden he took out an injection and shot it into my flesh. I groaned in pain but didn't let him see anything of it.

''You won't have any chance to even try again to escape. This vervain will weaken you for the next few hours so that you're not falling asleep but are too weak to move an inch.'' Raymond explained smirking.

''You psychotic sadist!'' I screamed to him as I felt the vervain flooding through my veins , making me weaker with every passing second.

''You're really feisty , Mia. In other situations I'd appreciate your wilderness , but now, you're just annoying!'' He said getting angrier with every word he says.

Suddenly he took out a knife and came with the front of the knife towards my body. Then, he stabbed me with all his strength in my stomach and smirked afterwards when I screamed because of the pain.

''That's for your rudeness towards me , Mia. Think next time about what you're saying or your next punishment will be even worse.'' He whispered where I just scoffed as response.

''You really think that this is hard? I've been through worse. But the worst thing about all of this isn't your punishment. It's to be with you together in one room!'' I said with blood flooding out of the wound, which healed slower than ever because of the vervain in my body.

Raymond pulled the knife out of my body again, only to stab five more times in and every stab was right into the same spot. I didn't show any affection because, as an Alpha, you're trained to never show your real feelings to people who are under you. But this seemed to support him even more to stab me with the knife, to my dismay. After what I think were ten or twelve more stabs he finally stepped away from me and just scoffed and shook his head a bit.

''I told you something about your manners Mia! It's your choice, obey me and you'll have a great life here with me.'' Raymond told me which made me sicker than ever.

''I don't care about your fuckin' manners! I'm an Alpha and I won't obey to anybody! You can torture me as much as you want, but I will NEVER obey you! Ever!'' I told him with hate in my voice, trying to avoid the pain because of the lots of knife stabs and the blood loss.

''Ouh , Mia. I'll teach you manners. Trust me!'' And with that he exited the room and left me alone there, tied up , weak, and with blood streaming out of my body.

Not ten minutes passed when I blanked out and saw only black.

After a while I woke up again with my dry blood all over me. Luckily all my wounds healed by the time I was asleep/ passed out, but I still felt the vervain in my blood so it wasn't too long when I passed out the last time. Because in between the last sunset I woke up three times and also blacked out three times, which brought me a bit of a headache.

When I was fully awake, the door opened and Raymond entered the room with a big grin on his face.

''Now see who's finally awake! We've got afternoon by now and you were passed out the whole time since last night. It seems that your punishment mattered more to you than you showed.'' He said, still with this sadistic grin on his face. I kept silent because I didn't want him to have the satisfaction of seeing the pain I was in.

''What? Nothing to say Mia?! Did you finally choose to obey me?!'' He asked, grinning even wider than before.

''I haven't thought the slightest of that possibility. I just chose to hear you out, maybe you have finally something to say that I care about.'' I responded which made his grin drop.

He promptly walked my way and held me by my throat up against the wall.

''What did you just say?!'' He asked angry.

''I think you heard what I said.'' I answered as good as I could, but that made his grip on my throat only stronger.

''You can't brake me! You can do to me whatever you want, but I will Never give up or do what you want me to! You made the wrong person to your enemy! Because one day, I'm out of here and I will hunt you and kill you , and I will enjoy it!'' I coughed out but he suddenly let me fall down on the ground and I quickly breathed the much needed air back in my lungs.

''You know that you just earned another punishment, Mia. But not now, because I think one of your little werewolf friends is searching for you, but looses your scent again and again. Poor boy, his face won't look nice when I'm finished with him.'' Raymond said laughing and exited the room.

What?! Did he just say that someone is searching for me? Oh, well I informed Lucas that he should send Mason to help me to get out of here, but I didn't think that Mason would really come. I'm not worried about him, he can protect himself and is way stronger than Raymond.  But there's just something that confuses me. How could Mason loose my scent? I mean, he knows it very good, and it's just not typically for an Alpha to loose a scent he already knows. Raymond must've found a way to hide my scent from his territory. By the way, I've never seen this house before, it's a vampire house, but that could find out a little pup. I mean, something is different about this house, like no one could find this or go near it without Raymond knowing it. It's very strange, and I don't know how many vampires are really here, because til now I've only seen Raymond and heard a few voices from outside. Nevertheless, I have to stay strong, sadly I can't communicate with my pack because of the amount vervain. I just hope that I'll get a chance to get revenge on this psychotic vampire.

But what confuses me the most is, why exactly Raymond kidnapped me all of a sudden. I mean, he spied on me for a few years now and never did any move or harm on me. And that's what surprises me of his actions the most, why does he want me all of a sudden? And pretends he ''loves'' me.

Just when I thought about this whole situation again, Raymond entered the room with super speed again, put an injection in my body, and went away.

I couldn't react because only moments later, I blanked out.


Hello my lovely readers! I'm sorry that I didn't update for the last two weeks  but I was a bit busy.

Hope you're not angry with me :P

And what do you think about Raymond's actions? Does he really love her and wants Mia only to himself, or is he a psychotic sadist how Mia describes him?

Hope you like and enjoy the strory.

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