Chapter 26

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A loud pounding at the door, got Joshua jerking awake. What could Regin possibly want at this untimely hour? A frustrated protest escaped his lips as his eyes traveled to the window. The sun wasn't even awake.

Removing his sleeping wife's arm from across his chest, he climb out of bed in a fowl mood. A smile pull across his face when Halley only snuggled closer to his pillow. Showing no sign of waking soon. Slipping into his trousers, he opened the door to face his Butler who had an apologetic look on his face.

" I'm sorry to wake you master Joshua. Your father's downstairs--"

Joshua leaned against the door frame. " You woke me up because of my Father?" His eyebrow arched." Here I thought the place was on fire."

The Butler stared at him with a blank expression. " He promised to make an appearance in your room if you aren't down in five minutes. " He continued.

At least Joshua knew, that his father hadn't change his demanding ways in the past few weeks of absence.
" Thank you Regin, what on earth would I have done if he did?" Joshua wasn't scared of his father's water threats anymore. He grew out of it when he got married. Shutting the door behind him. He went and got ready to receive his father.

Lord Fisher's eyes stared into the weak fire, barely staying alive. Like he was. Having someone out to kill him was different from having enemies hating him from a far. Truth, he wasn't afraid of death. He was a solider after all. Death was his only companion.

It was his son's life he feared. His only child. Joshua needed to know the potential danger his wife and himself was in. He needed to know the truth. Lord Fisher pinched the bridge of his nose, a long deep sigh of distressed escape his lungs. It took many sleepless nights and headaches. To reached this far, to meet with his son.

Joshua entered the drawing room, to find his father deep in thoughts. That he didn't even acknowledge his presence. " Father? "

Lord Fisher jerk with a stunned expression that only lasted a few seconds before turning in a scowl. " You know I hate waiting"

Joshua let out a small protest of uttered shock. " I was sleeping, something you seems to be needing at the moment. " He said, staring at his father's weary eyes.

Lord Fisher face soften a bit. " I apologized my timing isn't at all appropriate. "

" An apology from my father?" Joshua arched an eyebrow. " Are you dying?"
He went and pour himself two glasses of whiskey. " Drinks on me then." He said, now handing a glass to his father.

" I'll like to stay Sober with the news I'm about to tell you." Shrugging his shoulders Joshua Sat on the soft cushion padded armchair, facing his father.

" Start talking Father," he sipped on his drink. " I have a wife to get back to"

"Seems like you two have grown very close over the few weeks. " Lord Fisher mumbled, fidgeting in his seat.

" She is wonderful father, I must thank you for bringing her into my life." He genuinely smile, Lord Fisher wished he had took that glass of whiskey. " Now what is the purpose of your visit certainly not to find out how close I am to my wife?"

Lord Fisher saw in his son's blue eyes, happiness. He was happy. Not just with him but himself. His life. How could he possibly destroy that? He needed an diversion to figure things out a bit. Maybe he could find a way to kill the Frenchman.

" What do you think about living in the countryside for a while?" He leaned forward in his chair."think of the advantages you and Halley would have the entire house by yourselves. Ride around the estate-"

The Lost Princess ( The Compulsion Bride Series) Book 1 (Unedited)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon