Chapter 56

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The voices around him was much of a burl. Joshua came back from the restless torment of flashbacks and memories only to be greeted by the unrelenting pounding of his head, that would make any man wish for death.

He felt the coldness of a cloth that was placed on his forehead, that was doing little to aid his pain. He tried to move his hands to remove it but he seems to have lost his strength. Was some object preventing him from the task? His eyelids was unmoving as well, too heavy to opened. A groan escaped his lips which only he seems to have been aware of for the voices didn't waver.

He tried to make sense of what they were saying but it came to naught for he unwillingly slip back into unconsciousness.

" How could this happened!" Lord Fisher was pacing the bedchamber, his anger rising with every passing minute. " How could he just fell and hit his head!" He looked up at the butler, his respect for the man was genuine but he felt like he was being deceive. Regin had been with him forever, when Joshua was born, when his wife went mad. He had seen it all, he knew things that went on in the Duke of Wessex household no man should know and not once had the duke questioned this man's loyalty until now.


Regin sighed, He would not dare inform the duke of his son's discoveries and where he was before he was carried to his bedchamber, unconscious " your grace, the young master fell and hit his head, the dog was the cause of the incident." He said a silent prayer that nothing happened to that dog. He would have to keep the dog from the Duke's path from now on.

The Duke, snickered then walked towards the window his hands behind his back. " I should have never let him keep that blasted dog!" He growled. " Now my son is lying with yet another head injury because of that lady." He mumbled.

"I don't see how-"

"It's her bloody dog!" He turned around to glare at the butler. Of all his years he had never thought he would resent a decision he had made. Living in regrets were for the weak. Weak persons made him sick. The girl was a mistake to his life, to his son's life. He should have left her for the French to be rid of her. Even as he thought such harshly of the lady, he knew he wouldn't have the guts to do that. He would have saved her once again, give her to those wonderful people and leave her, there for good. " I should have had it killed!"

"My apologizes, your grace " the duke give the butler a wave of the hand dismissing him before turning back to the window. He need to say calm. The Lady was not of importance anymore at least not now. He had an new assignment to focus on, dangers are lurking at every corner and he need to protect himself and his son. He took a deep breath and turned towards his son where he lay sleeping peacefully.

Everything had been so perfect, the past years had been a living dream. Joshua was the loving most sincere son he had ever had or wanted. He didn't look at his father with hatred and resentment, those memories he had kept about him was no more, such bad thoughts can damage one's life and Lord Fisher was pleased of his memory lost. Never again would he place his son in harm's way. He might not be able to protect him from minor household accidents like this but he would sure as well protect him from others.

The Doctor came later that day. His disheveled attire had told the duke how hastily he tried to reach his estate. Their were still aspects of blood on his shirt trying to hid from view within his waistcoat and he look flustered like a cook who had been in the kitchen for hours. His attire was not disapproved by the duke, what matters was his presence.

He examined Joshua, once again. Doing the same procedures he had done when Joshua had first lost his memories. Lord Fisher watched attentively. He held his tongue for not screaming at the man for all the secret gestures he kept to himself. The tiny nod of his head, the quiet murmurs and the occasional creased at his forehead.

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