Chapter 38

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It was almost midnight.
With a heavy heart, Joshua's grip tighten around his untouched whiskey glass as he sat staring at Oliver, the bartender who was running from one customer to the next. It was extremely busy tonight, drunken laughter and incoherent chatting only increased Joshua's impatience. Swirling the whiskey in his hands, he contemplated the idea of this Frenchman not appearing tonight. Was this their only chance? What if he never saw his wife again? The disturbing thoughts cause him to drain his glass. Oliver was certain that the stranger would returned, so why shouldn't he? Rumor had it that Oliver had excellent judgement skills, skills that allow him to dominate at the gambling table. Now, every minute ticking by with no stranger, Joshua began to doubt such rumors.  With a weary sigh, he leaned back in the chair, that emitted a tiny squeal at his pressure.

Phoenix entered the pub with a grim expression. An expression the entire crew wore since they found out they couldn't leave England. What supposed to be a clean kidnapping had escalated into a turbulence of unforseen events. They were now being held captive by the British. Their ship confiscated along with a few crew members. What else could go wrong? One hand rested on his hat, he quickly dogged a staggering man who was making his way outside. The less persons he made contact with the better.

"What can I get you, young man?" Olivier asked, wiping sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief.

Phoenix took a moment to formulate his words. " I came to collect some whiskey " the force smoothness of his voice and terrible British accent didn't went unnoticed by Oliver. I knew he would come.

A tiny smile tug at the corner of his mouth. " Indeed, I was starting to wonder if you had changed your mind. " Oliver tapped his fingers twice on the counter, alerting Joshua that their guy has finally arrived. " I almost sold your potion tonight. " he chuckled.

Phoenix eyebrows creased. It was more difficult to understand English when it was spoken so rapidly and with that distracting accent. " Do you the whiskey? " his fingers tapping against the wooden counter. He didn't came here to translate bloody English! " I'm in a hurry. "

" I have a few bottles already packed for you" Oliver informed him. " I'll have someone to bring them--"

"Few?" Phoenix interrupted, sounding displeased. " How much is few?"

"Twenty bottles" He leaned against the counter, Phoenix opened his mouth to protest but Oliver raised a hand silencing him. " I told you we don't sell by the barrels, that's all I can spear at the moment. "

Joshua's curiosity peaked, when he saw a stranger conversing with Oliver. He slowly sat upright in the chair. This had got to be their guy. His subconscious screamed at him. A smug smile stretched across his face, when Oliver confirmed his suspicions. A few minutes passed before the stranger storm out of the pub, his black hat hid his face from prying eyes.

Joshua rose from his seat and made his way across the street. On his way he give Jake an alerting  nod, who sat pretending to smoke a cigar while his horse had a drink of water. Jake cough rapidly while waving away invisible smoke for the air. His plan was to never lit the blasted thing, sleep almost stolen him tonight if he didn't.

The items were loaded in the cart, true to his word there were only twenty bottles of whiskey. His father wouldn't be pleased with the amount. Climbing in the drivers seat of the wagon. He stopped and threw a nickel in the air which the lad that had helped him hesitantly caught. With a crack of the reins the wagon trod down the vacant street.

"Son of a bitch!" David mumbled, watching with detest as the wagon disappeared out of sight. It had taken him great strength not to strangle that Frenchman. It was wiser to follow him than capture him. He heard Joshua's voice floating around in his head. The nickel hit the ground with an audible click, David was just about to slip back into the darkness to collect the horses when large hands came at him from behind, shoving him deeper in the darkness.

The Lost Princess ( The Compulsion Bride Series) Book 1 (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now