Chapter 48

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Three years later....

Joshua stood at his window, anxiously awaiting his friend David. He was certain that David would come to him as soon as he could leave his little bundle of joy. His daughter, Anna was such a beautiful little girl, the last time Joshua saw her was at last year's Christmas celebration. She was only one year old and already had David wrapped around her tiny fingers. A sudden ache filled Joshua's chest. For the passed years after losing his memory from falling off a horse due to getting shot by ruffians. He had been stuck within the household, only occasionally leaving to accompany his father on trips. Come to think of it he never left the house without his father's chaperone. His admiration for his Father's love for him was remarkable but it irritated him as well, he was lonely. He wanted what David had, a family. A little girl of his own perhaps a son first. He sighed, it doesn't matter which, he just wanted a baby to cuddle.

The ball of fur rubbing against his feet, draw his attention from such wishful thoughts. His gazed found that of the dog, his father wanted to discard of years ago. Joshua reached down and pet the dogs head affectionately. Who would want to get rid of such an loyal companion, that had kept him occupied within the estate? " How you doing cookie?" He called the dog by the name, he had given it that day. It was quite unusual but the dog does love cookies. The dog sat back and stared at him blankly. Joshua sighed and rose to his feet. " I know you don't like that name, but the least you could do is respond"

Ignoring his masters bickering. The dog looked behind him and let out an welcoming  bark. Joshua turned to met his friend's widen eyes. " Have you lost your mind!" David let out a shaky breath, at Joshua's short hair. He cut his blasted hair! David Closed the door behind him, while one hand rubbed at his face. This was definitely, not what he had expected this evening after receiving that calling note.

Joshua eyebrows creased. " I have actually, remember? "

David sat on the edge of the bed, hands resting on his tights as he stared at the ground. It took a moment for him to speak. " I left you two days ago with all your hair and came back to meet....." He turned to Joshua. " do you know how much you loved your long hair.... Christ Joshua your hair was like your baby....your pride would have our heads if we even attempt to touch it!"

Joshua leaned against the window seat and folded his arms. " I needed a change and I can't remember anything other than what happened during the past three years and from what I was briefly told from my current life before so it doesn't matter. I thought you would like it and please stop acting like I shaved my entire head bald."

David mouth formed into a thin line. The new hairstyle did fix his face, perfectly. It was short but cut uniquely, reaching just below his ears. The front was longer that the back and sat on top of his head. It exposed his handsome face even more. David walked across the room then turned back to him, giving him a sever look.

" It does look good," at this Joshua smiled. " Now please do tell me why I'm here, certainly it can't be to show me your new look?"

" I want you to accompany me somewhere " Joshua said, rubbing his chin, thoughtfully. " perhaps we can visit one of those orphanages, my father and I owned? " he looked at David expectantly.

The question caught David by surprised. " Orphanage? But why?"

Joshua struggled his shoulders. " I am not quite sure....I just..." He looked away, gazing at Brownie who lay fast asleep just beside his feet. They were lonely here at the estate, perhaps he would like to see his options. Joshua also know how it feels to be empty inside, he can relate to these, children somehow "I just want to visit somewhere that would lift my spirits in a good way." He looked at his friend. " I adore children... "

The Lost Princess ( The Compulsion Bride Series) Book 1 (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now