Chapter 29

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Halley settled herself comfortably against the soft cushion seat of the carriage and close her eyes. Letting the soft whispering of the brisk night breeze lull her towards sleep, ignoring the pangs of headaches trying to remind her of last night's turbulence. Sleep seems to be vacant these past nights allowing her to roam the halls like a restless ghost. If it wasn't for the herbal tea she drank that her stomach seems to accept, the prospect of attending this Charity Ball would be minimum.

The sound of her husband's footsteps caused her to open her eyes and focus on the handsome profile climbing in the carriage to join her. He'd let his hair loose, allowing them to fall freely on his broad shoulders. His dashing black evening wear only added to his devastatingly handsome looks.

The sight of him made her smile. She was in love with the most gorgeous man in the world and it was only a matter of time before he returned the same sentiment. She most certainly would make him.

"I apologized for the delay my dear wife. Are you ready to dazzle the ton with your beauty?" He lifted her hand and brushed a kiss against it. " you're absolutely breathtaking Halley. I shall have to keep an Hawks eye on you tonight. "

"T-thank you" the touch caused Halley's entire body to come alive with longing. " Did you find what you were looking for?" Her voice was a bit raspy.

"Indeed I have" Joshua replied, giving her hand a little squeeze as the carriage took off in a steady trod. " Close your eyes I have a little surprise for you" Halley's eyes close with compliance. Her heart beat racing with anticipation.

Joshua slowly slid the gloves off his wife's hand. He let out a deep chuckle upon seeing his wife peeping through her eyes that was slightly closed. " Halley that means no Peeping"

"Fine!" She tossed her head to the other side and pouted.

Joshua smile as he reached inside his pocket for the small black case and flipped it open. Halley felt her wedding ring being slid from her finger and her heart beat turned into an uncontrollable rhythm. He wasn't changing his mind about the marriage, was he? God please no!

Joshua stared at the ring his father had selected for his wife. He may had deprived him the right of choosing a bride and courting her but he would not take away his right of choosing a proper ring for his wife. Placing it in his pocket, Joshua took out the ring he had specially made, from the box and slipped it on his wife's slender finger.

"Perfect" he muttered under his breathe, not only amaze of his correct judgment of size but how lovely it looked on her finger.

Halley gasped at the new ring on her finger, glittering in the moonlight that streak through the carriage's window. She reached out to touch the fine jewelry of diamonds and gold, then hesitated as if by touching it she would wake up from this surreal dream.

" Halley I'm still in the carriage. " Joshua remarked with a smile of amusement. Halley unaware that she was starting at the Jewelry in awe, turned glossy brown eyes to his sparkling blue ones. It was as if she was hypnotized a moment ago. " Do you like it?"

Halley close her eyes and nodded. " I love it ......but I love you more." She wanted to say but think it wise not to. " You shouldn't have"

" I wanted you to have something to remember me by" his hand caressing her cheeks. " besides every time I saw the other ring it reminds me of my father." He stuttered at the thought earning a soft laughter from his wife.

" Diffinitely not a pleasant thought"

"I know how we can make it pleasant" Joshua pulled his wife towards him, surprising a squeal of laughter from her. He took her into his mouth and kissed her. Halley's arms came up around his neck as she crushed her entire body against him. Her mouth voluntary opened up beneath his and she kissed him. " Halley I do love this dress." he mumbled between kisses as his hand swept along her back, stroking her soft flesh through her exquisite silk beige gown.

The Lost Princess ( The Compulsion Bride Series) Book 1 (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now