Chapter 41

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The letter was a trap.

It was indeed written in Samantha's elegant and neat script, evidence that she was still alive. The contents, however weren't her own, the French had forced her to fabricate lies without considering the personal preferences of the writer. Samantha never started her letters with endearments and use words such as lover or mistress. Joshua had spotted these little mistakes while reading the letter, if he hadn't he would have believed that Samantha had escaped and wanted to meet at the cottage. He was in a disgruntled state when Jake had insisted that they took the bait. Occurring to Jake it was more risky to not know that it was a trap and ventured to the cottage unprepared, than knowing it was indeed a trap and went with a plan. Joshua had oddly seen some logic in this sentence which was how he found himself outside the abandoned cottage.

" Don't you think it's bit strange to know that this is a trap and still be here?" Joshua turned to face his friend who voice his own concern. "and there's something about these trees is like they know something"

Joshua's eyes drifted to his pocket watch ignoring his friend, they had been outside for ten minutes now since arriving. " Take your position David and the plan's to kill as many Frenchmen--"

" Blast you Joshua you sound like selfish Jake! Who only cares about himself! I know it was Jake who planted this stupid plan in your head " David eyebrows creased, this plan was a suicide mission. " let me just make this clear the both of you aren't going to get my young ass kill!"

" you're free to leave if you like David "

"Are you bloody mad I'm not going anywhere!" laying flat on his stomach with pistol pointing towards the cottage's entrance, David remained in complete silence waiting for Joshua to make a move.

Joshua cursed under his breath as he made his way towards Mr. Woody abandoned cottage, David wasn't the only one who share the same eerie feeling about this plan. It seems absurd, knowing something was a trap and still take the bait. What were they thinking? His hands hesitated over the doorknob, taking a deep breath he pushed the door opened and entered a cozy atmospheric scenery. Pictures clustered together on top of artistically designed walls, exquisite furniture lined the floor, a fireplace with a few unlit candles on the mantle. It was beautiful. Mr. Woody always had an eye for beauty; Joshua only remembered rumors about the old man before he mysteriously disappeared. Some of the rumors spoke about his greed and possessiveness towards his items. If he was so filled with greed, why did he leave such an exquisite cottage? The echoing of his own footsteps against wooden floor was the only noise in the still room. He was a very skilled man Joshua thought admiring the paintings.

What should I do now? Wait?

"Obviously" his brain replied. "Need I remind you about the letter?"

That's what you're supposed to do! God dammit!

Joshua ran his hands through his hair. He was going insane. This had been happening since his wife went missing but he managed to conceal it from his friends. He had to keep it together. His fingers fidgeted against his pocket, in search of his medication. With a relief sigh he opened the flask of rum and took a mouth full.

You know that shit is bad for you right?

"You're damaging me even more"

"Shut the hell up!" Joshua brought his hands to massage his temples, causing the flask to spill its contents across the floor.

"Fine, can't say I didn't warn you" Joshua who was scrunched on his knees to save what's left of his medication was too busy focusing on the shallows moving beneath him. The flooring didn't provide enough space to see what lies beneath but thanks to the moonlight than stream through the small opened window. It was enough to escalate the entire room. Joshua rolled off the board flooring just as shots began to fire from beneath the cottage. Standing to his feet, pistol in hand. He retaliated with shots of his own, pressed against the fireplace that was made of bricks.

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