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A woman is chopping vegetables. She picks up an apple from a fruit basket and then drops it with a start when an old-fashioned kettle on the stovetop whistles.

She walks slowly to the kettle, picks up the metal handle with a bare hand, supports the base of the kettle with her other hand and pours boiling water into her mouth. The water spills over her chin, burning her face.

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"Okay, what the hell kind of FBI guys are you?" Scott asks.

"The kind that are trying to fix the mess you started. Now where'd your mom get these?" Asks Dean.

"I don't know. I found them in her safe." Scott says.

"Did it ever occur to you that these things might be locked in that safe for a reason?" Sam asks.

"No, I-I just thought it was some of the junk that she had collected over the years." Scott says. "Like, I knew she was into some weird stuff, but I never thought that she would be, like—"

"Yeah, well, think again, okay? 'Cause this "junk" is killing people." Dean says.

"What? Like, how can that be?" Scott asks.

"Look, Scott. We're gonna need to know exactly what you sold out of that safe and names and addresses of who you sold it to."

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Sam, Elena and Dean pull up and get out of the car. "All right, what do we got?" Dean asks.

"She bought a tea kettle." Sam says.

"Tea kettle?"

"Yeah. Hey, with enough curse mojo, you can turn a freaking pencil into a weapon of mass destruction." Says Sam.

"Good times."

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Dean, Elena and Sam enter and see the kettle on the ground next to the woman's body. Her face is badly burned. Dean picks up some rubber gloves and wraps the handle of the kettle with them before picking the kettle up. "Better call this in." Dean says.

"Hello, yeah. I'd like to report an accident at 23 Gorham Road. My name? Uh... Bruce Hornsby." Sam says

Sam, Elena and Dean stand outside. "All right. Who's next on the list?" Dean asks.

Sam takes a notebook out of his pocket. "We got a, uh, gramophone sold to Brenda Gluck, 413 River Street, and a vintage gentlemen's magazine sold to Peter Yankit, 27 Johnson Lane." He says.

"Really?" Elena asks.

"Yeah." Sam says.

"All right, we'd better split up. Why don't you take the gramophone? I'll handle the old rag." Dean says.

"I wouldn't really "handle" it if I were you. Remember those shoes?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, how could I forget?" Dean puts the kettle in the back seat of the car. "You know, I wonder how old p0rn kills you." He hands the rubber gloves to Sam.

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