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Dean walks down the hallway of the motel room, looking for nothing in particular. He passes a couple of people as he walks by. "Excuse me." He says. No one pays any attention to him. "Okay..." He continues to walk and stops when he sees a room door ajar. He walks in.

A Young Woman stands in the middle of the room with her back to him. Dean clears his throat and she turns around. It's Elena. "Oh, hello Dean." She says.

"Uh, hi." Dean says and looks around. "What are you doing in here?"

"Looking for you." Elena says and takes a step towards him.

Dean gulps. "Why would you be looking for me?" He asks.

"Because I want you, Dean. All of you." Elena says as she strokes him and then pulls his head down with hers to kiss him. They pull apart.

Dean smiles. "I'm okay with that." He picks her up so that her legs straddle his hips and begins kissing her. He drops her on the dresser and she throws down the lamp that was in her way.

"I want more." She whispers as they continue to kiss. Before anything could go any further, Dean wakes up from his dream.

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Dean wakes up to Sam missing from his bed. Confused, Dean gets up and leaves the room to go knock on Elena's door. "It's open." She says as Dean opens the door. He finds Elena standing in the middle of the room with her back facing him and in her pjs. He had the strangest sense of deja vu.

"I can't find Sam." Dean says.

Elena turns to him. "Relax. He's probably eating out." She says

"Probably, or he's running around with a ticking time bomb in his head." Dean says. "Did you know that Lucifer is getting worse? He can't get rid of him now."

"He never told me that. I mean, I knew that he was having trouble sleeping, but I didn't know it was that bad." Elena says as she begins to brush her hair.

Dean pulls out his cellphone. "Maybe I should try calling him." He dials and puts the phone to his ear. "Sam? Hey. Where are you? Okay, just be home soon." He hangs up.

"What did he say?" Elena asks.

"He said he was going for a walk." Dean says. "And I don't believe him."

Elena and Dean sit down on the bed and she massages his hair with her free hand. "He'll be okay, he's a Winchester." She says and smiles a little.

"Are you flirting with me?" Dean asks.

"No." Elena says. "You'd know if I was flirting with you, Winchester." She says and stands to her feet.

"Now you're definitely flirting with me." Dean smiles. "You're probably even thinking of kissing me."

Elena puts a hand on her hip. "I'll kiss you when I want to kiss you." She says.

"Do you want to kiss me?" Dean asks with that smug look on his face.

Elena looks at his lips. "No. Maybe. Yes." She says as Dean leans in to kiss her. He wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her close. Dean picks her up and she instantly latches her legs around his waist. This was exactly like his dream, and Dean was loving it.

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Someone we can see only from the legs downwards is breathing heavily as they run slowly along the railway track. The person leaves the track and bumps into a Man walking alongside it. "Hey! Dick!" A Man yells.

The person who was running turns around and we see that it is Sam. Sam then starts to run again, goes through a gate, and walks along a heavily-graffitied alleyway. A woman is buying drugs from a Dealer. The woman leaves and Sam walks closer to the him.

"Dude. Get the hell away from me." The Dealer says as Sam rubs a hand over his face. He looks exhausted. "You speak friggin' English? Go away!"

"It's okay. No one's after me." Sam says.

"Why are you running up in here like that?" The Dealer says.

"Just... Just leave me alone." Sam slides down to the ground with his back against a post.

"What the hell did you take, anyway?"

"Nothing." Sam says.

"Shut up." The Dealer says, not believeing anything that comes out of Sam's mouth.

"No, he's telling the truth. Burned through that last beer hours ago. Right about the time Dean passed out." Hallucifer says. "Come on, Sam. Tell the nice tweaker. You'd be sleeping by now if the devil would just leave you alone for five seconds. Stupid Satan. Chasing you all the way to... Where the hell are we?"

Sam holds his face in his hands. "Gah! I just need some rest" He says.

"Hey. Sam. Try the hand scar." Hallucifer says.


"How many days you been up, anyway?" The Dealer asks Sam.

"Four. Oh. Wait." Hallucifer looks at his watch. "Scratch that. Five." Sam gets to his feet and starts to walk away.

"Hey, hold up! Wait! Hold up!" The Dealer yells and Sam turns around. "You want to knock out? I can knock you out."

Sam and the Dealer are asleep in the front seats of a car. Something shatters the windshield, spraying glass over Sam. Sam gets out. A bar is protruding through the shattered windshield, but when Sam looks again, the windshield is intact.

Hallucifer appears behind Sam. He begins singing and making hand motions. "Good morning to you, good morning to you..." He sings and Sam walks away. "Out day is beginning, so good morning to you." He calls after Sam. "I thought you liked my singing!"

Hallucifer walking just behind Sam. Sam is breathing heavily and blinking rapidly. "Pills? You do get that you're just bringing free drugs to the party, right? I am inside you, Sam. Hey. Sam. What's the longest a normal human being has ever gone without sleep? 11 days." Hallucifer chuckles. "Hey. You always wanted to be normal, Sam!"Sam is running away from Hallucifer. "If you are, you'll be dead in a week!" Sam runs in front of a car, which hits him and sends him up onto the windshield, over the car and to the ground.

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Dean and Elena fall onto the bed, kissing each other roughly. Dean trails his lips to her neck and Elena moans in pleasure. Realizing it was reality, Elena squirms under him. "Dean, stop." She says and he listens. "We can't do this. Not to Sam." She says.

"I know." Dean says with frustration.

"I like you Dean." Elena says. "I really really like you. But I can't help thinking about what must be going through Sam's mind."

"Yeah, Lucifer." Dean says.

Elena sighs. "It's almost midnight. Maybe you should get some rest." She says.

"Yeah." Dean says sadly. "Goodnight Elena." He says and leaves the room. Right after he leaves, the phone by Elena's bed rings.

"Hello?" She listens and her eyes grow wide. "What?!"

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