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A teenage boy, Chris, is telling a story to people around a campfire. "Long ago, in these very woods, lived an old woman by the name... of Jenny Greentree." He shines the flashlight onto his face from under his chin.

"Whooo!" A Girl said.

The camera pans out and we see there are four people around the campfire – Chris, the Girl sitting next to him, and another teenage boy, Ray, and girl, Chloe, sitting close together on the other side of the fire.

"Forced out after her family was killed in a fire. She lost everything." Chris says. "Some say, even her humanity."

"That is so sad." Ray says.

"Shut up!" Yells Chloe.

"It's a true story, Ray. Look." Chris shines a flashlight onto the letters "JG" carved into a nearby tree. "She carved her initials into that tree... right before she died."

"Those are not her initials." Says Chloe. We see the scene from a distance, as if through someone else's eyes. "So, how'd she die?"

"One night, a blizzard hit. She's cold, she's hungry, nowhere to go, no one to turn to. Jenny Greentree froze to death... right beneath that tree. And her evil spirit has haunted these woods ever since." Chris shines the flashlight onto his face from under his chin and grins creepily.

Ray gooses Chloe and she jumps. He laughs. "Don't do that!" Chloe yells. Suddenly a bottle smashes against the tree. The Girl screams and everybody jumps.

Another teenage boy, Trevor, staggers up, laughing drunkenly. Chris rolls his eyes. "You guys should have seen your faces!" Trevor yells.

"What the hell, Trevor? That's not funny, man!" Chris yells.

"To you!" Trevor says.

Ray stands up. "Yo. You drive here, man?" He asks.

"Oh, please. Look, why – why don't you take – take my phone, okay? Call Dad and bust me, why don't you?" Trevor asks.

"No, I'm just saying, you're wasted. You can't just drive..." Ray says.

"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I heard ya." Trevor laughs uneasily. "What was that?"

"What? No. Trevor, let's just sit down, okay, we'll—"

"Shhh. You – you don't hear that?" Asks Trevor. We see the scene from a distance again.

"Trevor, there's nothing there, all right? Let's just sit down, and we'll..." Ray starts.

"What the...? You gotta run. You gotta run!" Trevor runs away.


"I'm sorry, but what is your brother on?" Chloe asks. There is a scream in the distance.

"Trevor!" Ray runs after Trevor.

Later, Ray is walking in the woods, looking for Trevor. "Trevor! Trev, come on! Stop being a tool!" He sees Trevor sitting against a tree. "Come on, Trevor, let's head back. Dude."

Trevor is dead. His face is cut and bleeding and there is a large hole in his abdomen.


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