Fixing The Punishment

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Clarissa in the pic ^

Clarissa POV

        Alpha dragged me forcefully by my arm downstairs and took me to the main hall, which is wide enough to accommodate 200 or more than that at a time. I think he mind linked everyone because every single member of the pack is present here, from newly born to toddlers, from toddlers to teenagers, from teenagers to adults and from adults to elders. My mouth dropped open thinking that he called them all just for my punishment. Which means he is really that serious for my punishment that's why he called everyone to be an audience. Various interpretations started forming in my head, and all screamed one thing 'DANGER', he is not going to leave this and me so easily, I gulped in fear.

       Everyone was waiting, some were on the couch, some were standing, children were running here and there, playing, giggling and some were talking with their mates or friends. As soon as their Alpha Tyler made his appearance, the whole room froze with silence, everyone stood up straight like professional soldiers and bowed deeply with respect saying 'Alpha' and stayed in that position until.,

        "Rise" Alpha Tyler ordered, everyone looked at him with respect and pride and didn't even noticed me until Alpha thought it was my turn to aware them of my presence and pushed me a bit forward, a little rough making me almost slip over my footing. When they finally noticed me, their face turned into pure disgust and hatred.

        Alpha Tyler again grabbed my arm pulling me back, he dug his nails the same place where he did before, making me vibrate in pain but I bit the inner of my cheeks to keep from crying and screaming. This time too he strained extra force than needed and I am sure it will leave another bruise on my hand.

        "As you all know that today's breakfast was late and yeah before I forget to mention, it was not late by 1 minute, 3 minutes or even by 5 minutes, it was late by total 1 hour." He started speaking in a very calm manner but I know it was just the silence before the storm. "Because she was so lazy to get up early and put extra 1 hour effort to prepare the breakfast" He added and yet again pushed me forward in front of all the members who were looking at me with angry faces.

        "Now, as you all know the rules and whoever breaks it will be punished and just because of this thing you all were late for your daily routine, she took total 1 hour meaning 60 minutes from your day which you could have utilized in some productive work rather than her who never works and just keeps sleeping or laying around" what, I don't work? Is everyone in this pack crazy, almost all the work in this pack house is done by me but all my thoughts were screeched to a halt by his interrupting voice "I have decided to give her the worst punishment so that she will be more careful before committing the same mistake again." Everyone looked at me with wicked smiles before someone from behind started yelling 'Yes!' and the voices got support as they doubled and raised so much that it could be heard all around the hall.

       'Because of her we were late for school'

        'I couldn't go to parlor'

       'We were late for training' everyone accused me for some or the other thing, and I couldn't help but feel nostalgic at their stupid behavior, I couldn't help the roll that my eyes gave, seriously I made food in 1 hour, for me that's super fast and unbelievable but still they are upset. Are they mad or me? Whoever said this was true, a man can never be content with whatever they have, they always want more.

       "Silence" a powerful voice boomed through the hall and everyone became quiet at once, as their voices hushed down and they immediately submitted to him, bowing their head down.

       "Her punishment is already fixed and I have ordered you all to come here because I want you to be present during her punishment and witness with your own eyes about what happens when someone dares to disobey me. You all will come with me to the training grounds, now!" he growled loudly leaving no room for any discussion, powerful vibes spreading around him as I whimpered in fear, he yanked my arm and took me forcefully with him. I started pushing and struggling against his strong grip but the more I struggled the more his grip tightened around my arm, his claws extracting as he growled at me, this time I couldn't hold the pain as it became unbearable and I screamed loudly, so loudly that if we were in the pack house now then there would have been cracks all around.

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